5 best times to drink honey

Effect of honey

The effect of honey when drinking is very good for health. However, the time of drinking different honey also brings different health benefits. The best time to drink honey in the day will be something you need to keep in mind when starting a new day by drinking honey in the morning, at noon or in the evening. Try to see if I should drink honey when it's best for health.

>>> Great use of honey

If you drink honey, choose for yourself the best time according to your purpose. Note that honey should only be mixed with warm water below 50 degrees to avoid destroying the enzymes, losing its precious effects.

1. Drink honey in the early morning - to clean the stomach

Early morning helps clean the stomach, while helping the body eliminate waste. Forming such habits will help the body always be cleaned promptly. If you regularly drink honey water in the morning you will find yourself going to the bowel almost every day.

The energy generated by honey is about five times higher than milk. As a result, it can energize the human body in a very short time, eliminating the feeling of fatigue and hunger that often appears early in the morning. In the morning, drink honey, you can quickly add physical, so the spirit is also more relaxed and excited.

Implementation: Drink a cup of warm water with a spoonful of honey before breakfast.

Picture 1 of 5 best times to drink honey

2. Drink honey in the afternoon - help supplement energy

In the afternoon, the intersection between lunch and dinner is also the most tired time of the body and 'requires' huge energy consumption. At this time, the body is in a state of "hunger" , adding a cup of warm honey will erase the chaos of the brain, while helping to be more alert.

The sugar in honey is absorbed quickly by the body, improving the nutritional status in the blood. A cup of honey water at the right time helps replenish energy and is the foundation that provides for the next 2-3 hours. In particular, for athletes or people with intense physical activity, it is also helpful to drink a glass of honey water before and after stressful work.

Implementation: Drink a cup of honey or honey milk at dinner.

3. Drink honey before going to bed - Support sleep and sedation

Chinese people have the sentence: Salt water every morning, honey water every night. That sentence means: Salt water is drunk when you wake up early every day, every night before going to bed, drink honey water.

Honey, sugar, vitamins can regulate nervous system function, relieve nervous stress, promote sleep and have no side effects. A cup of honey before bed can help you reduce stress, while improving sleep quality.

Picture 2 of 5 best times to drink honey

4. Drink honey after meals - Promote digestion

Honey has the effect of regulating digestive function, making the stomach more acidic than usual. After eating, especially after a full meal, gastrointestinal function of the stomach is susceptible to decline, dyspepsia. A cup of honey enhances the role of intestinal motility, can promote normal gastric acid secretion, significantly shorten the defecation time, making you feel "lighter" . It also helps to reduce the negative effects of excessive dinners.

Implementation: Drink one cup of honey water 1-2 hours after a meal.

5. Drink honey before meals - Prevent stomach acid

Honey can play a regulatory role in the normalization of gastric acid secretion. Half an hour before a meal, a cup of honey water may inhibit gastric acid secretion, thus reducing irritation of the stomach lining. For people with stomach ulcers, drink a cup of warm honey water every day (10ml honey honey mixed with a cup of warm water), after a while the inflammation will decrease significantly, even completely.

Implementation: Drink one cup of honey water about half an hour before a meal.

33 effects of honey:

1. A natural antibacterial agent for skin

Honey contains antioxidants that are good for the skin. It can be used for topical application as a natural sunscreen, protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays, anti-aging and skin blackening. In addition, beauty experts also recommend using honey bees to treat acne.

2. Moisturize and care for skin

According to Kim Wallace, the founder of kimberlyloc.com specializes in beauty, 'pure honey brings incredible effects to your skin thanks to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties for the skin. '. Therefore, it can be used as an indispensable lotion in everyday life without causing side effects to your skin.

3. Helps fade scars, heals wounds

Honey extracted from the beehive forest contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, a famous antiseptic. A thin layer of it can be applied to the skin to disinfect and heal wounds on the skin and lips.

Or when you have a heat stroke, applying honey to your wound will help you relax immediately and help your wound heal quickly.

You can drink this food daily to beautify your skin, apply it to your skin, or mix it with other natural ingredients to create masks with a variety of special uses.

3. Treat hair loss, hair care

The use of honey from wild bees regularly as a supplement helps you recover and nourish your hair, reducing the risk of weak, broken hair.

4. Treat dandruff and scalp disorders

Thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, honey has been used in the treatment of dandruff. Honey will remove dandruff on the scalp, providing moisture to the hair and scalp.

5. Nail care effect

As a source of nutrition and natural moisture, honey helps maintain moisture, reduce nail fractures, stimulate quick nails growth and reduce yellowing.

6. Enhance immunity for the fetus

Honey can help promote digestion to help better absorb, increase the likelihood of appetite, help deep sleep and better sleep. It helps to improve the body's resistance, has a positive effect on promoting the growth and development of the baby in the abdomen.

Therefore, health experts recommend pregnant women to drink a cup of warm water mixed a little bile twice a day to supplement nutrition and enhance resistance for babies.

7. Use honey to benefit the development of the fetal brain

Honey contains many trace elements such as zinc, magnesium . and vitamins, which are factors that help children develop their minds, care and protect skin hair, especially during a baby's time in the womb.

8. The effect of preventing typical diseases of pregnancy

Many women often suffer from anemia during pregnancy. In addition to supplementing with iron supplements, women can use honey daily to eliminate the above symptoms, while reducing symptoms of constipation and indigestion in pregnancy.

9. Use to beautify skin, minimize melasma and stretch skin during pregnancy

Pregnancy and hormonal changes make 90% of women experience problems such as melasma, stretch marks, etc., without any doctor prescribing these symptoms. You can apply honey to your skin to promote skin cell regeneration, making your skin smooth without worrying about side effects that will affect your baby.

10. The effect of weight loss after birth

By drinking warm water mixed honey with a few drops of fresh lemon before meals in the day will help women reduce appetite, quickly regain the shape as desired.

11. Effect of adding blood, improving health for women after birth

The process of labor, the woman has spent quite a lot of energy. The use of honey combined with chicken egg yolk helps women recover quickly, regain health.

In addition, postpartum women should use honey with triad powder, use 2 times / day to replenish blood, ruddy, smooth white skin.

12. Balance blood pressure

Scientists have shown that the nutritional content in honey works to promote blood circulation, helping to maintain blood pressure stability. So consuming 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey every day will help you control your hypertension.

13. Increasing red blood cells in the blood

The nutritional composition of honey stimulates the production of new cells, increases the production of red blood cells in the blood, helps the body to be purified and respected better.

14. Regulating blood sugar

Research by British scientists has shown that honey is good for diabetics because it helps control blood sugar while providing essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that are useful for people. diabetes.

15. Reducing cholesteron, supporting the treatment of cardiovascular disease

Honey promotes good production of cholesterone in the body, reducing bad cholesterones, helping blood circulation. Since then help prevent cardiovascular disease.

A great combination of honey and cinnamon will help you prevent sudden heart attacks. Therefore, use this mixture every morning to have a healthy heart.

16. Tri arthritis

To reduce joint pain, you can mix a spoonful of honey with two tablespoons of warm water, one teaspoon of cinnamon and rub the affected area, the pain will disappear within minutes. In addition, drink a cup of warm water with two spoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon - in the morning and evening to relieve arthritis pain.

17. Treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis

The method that is handed down is to use garlic to crush it and soak it with honey. Then add this mixture to the nose 3 times to treat the disease.

Or you can drink the mixture directly to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, flu. Especially good for children (over 1 year old) when having a sore throat.

18. Improve the immune system

The composition of pure honey contains about 5,000 enzymes and many vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It helps eliminate dead cells, harmful cells inside the body - anti-bacteria, anti-virus, and contains antioxidants that help strengthen the body's immunity.

19. Against colds, flu

A teaspoon of honey with warm water and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder 3 times a day will help you prevent unpleasant seasonal flu and always feel clear and healthy.

20. Honey works to treat stomach and colon diseases

Honey combined with turmeric is effective in treating stomach pain effectively. Note that use about 30 'before meals.

21. Treatment of bloating and indigestion

Honey is a suitable and effective option to reduce digestive problems. In addition, eating a spoon of cinnamon honey before eating will help you treat indigestion and flatulence.

22. Support the development of beneficial bacteria in the intestine

Honey when combined with yogurt has the effect of promoting growth and viability of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract, helping the digestive system work better, reducing constipation effectively.

23. Improve liver function, prevent bladder infection

Ingredients natural sugar fructose and glucose in honey support effective liver and bladder detoxification. So don't forget to drink warm honey water every day!

24. Prevention and support for cancer treatment

Natural antioxidants in honey work to prevent the risk of certain cancers such as colon, bladder, .

25. Help relax, relieve stress, anxiety, have a good sleep

A glass of warm water mixed with honey before going to bed works to reduce stress, stress and anxiety, help relax your nerves.

26. Reduce muscle fatigue

Nutrition menu of athletes can not lack honey. It is used after training or playing to recover muscles.

27. Treatment of physiological disorders, increased ability to conceive

Do not worry when you are having problems with erectile dysfunction or physiological disorders; Take advantage of honey - the ingredients available in your home to increase hormone production and increase your ability to conceive.

28. Is a nutritional supplement that enhances memory

Honey is a great source of natural vitamins and minerals for the human body, helping to strengthen the body and enhance memory. In particular, the proportion of mineral vitamins in wild honey is always higher than that of farmed honey.

29. Use as a sugar substitute sweetener

In some recipes, honey is used to enhance the flavor of dishes such as baked goods, cakes, .

30. Effects of treating some dental diseases

Honey is effective in treating some common diseases such as toothache, bad breath, cough or sore throat. Its antibacterial properties help relieve coughs, sore throat and unpleasant tooth aches.

31. Used to treat burns, cure fungi and skin wounds

The antimicrobial properties of honey work to help wounds avoid harmful bacteria and bacteria. So if you accidentally get burned or inflamed, you should quickly apply honey to the injured skin.

32. Improve eyesight

Research shows that drinking 2 tablespoons of honey with carrot juice every day will help improve vision. So don't forget to add this drink to keep your eyes bright.

33. Anti-oxidant, aging

Honey's antioxidants help eliminate dead stem cells, improve body's immunity, fight aging.