How many bowls of rice is appropriate to eat per day?

Many people believe that eating a lot of rice puts you at risk of diabetes due to its high carbohydrate content. So how many bowls of rice per day is appropriate?

According to Dr. Nguyen Trong Hung, National Institute of Nutrition, in meals for high-class animals like humans, carbohydrates (rice) are needed. The reason is that the human central nervous system is required to use glucose to maintain activity.

In addition to providing for body and brain activity, rice also helps control blood pressure. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure are advised not to skip meals.

Rice is also rich in vitamin D, niacin, calcium, fiber, riboflavin, iron and thiamine. All these nutrients needed by the body will strengthen the immune system and help balance the overall functioning of the body.

Dr. Nguyen Trong Hung emphasized the important role of rice in the diet. In a healthy meal we must provide a minimum of 50 grams of carbohydrates to nourish the body.

Picture 1 of How many bowls of rice is appropriate to eat per day?
For normal people, if they only eat rice, they need at least 4 bowls a day.

In the past, we ate a lot of rice, about 3-4 bowls per meal, but the number of people with diabetes was less than today, because at that time people were more physically active and consumed energy well. Nowadays, people tend to cut down on white rice but eat a lot of protein, fat, simple sugar, and are lazy to exercise, thereby increasing the disease.

We should not blame white rice for being susceptible to diabetes, but we need to review whether our daily eating habits are reasonable . For example, it is recommended that adults eat 200 g of ripe fruit every day, but some people eat less rice or even no rice, instead increasing the amount of ripe fruit, thinking this is good. In fact, eating too much ripe fruit is not good, it is also a source of simple sugar into the body.

Each person needs to balance three energy-generating substances: carbohydrates, protein, and fat, of which carbohydrates need to be supplemented by 50-60%; Protein groups from plants and animals are recommended to be 13-20% of total energy. Finally, there are fats of animal origin such as fat (meat fat, fish fat) and fats of vegetable origin such as oil (oil found in nuts and fruits). Besides, there are other vitamins and minerals.

At hospitals, doctors do not recommend that patients abstain from eating rice, they need to consume scientifically . For normal people, if you only eat rice a day (not pho noodles), you need at least 4 bowls of rice . If there is activity or other levels of labor, you should eat more.

From the above information, hopefully you have found the answer to the question "how many bowls of rice is appropriate to eat per day?" A reasonable nutritional regimen meets the body's needs in different stages of life, preventing diseases to have a healthy body, good health, high labor productivity and quality of life. Good.