How many uses of 'airplane mode' do you know on smartphones?

How long has it been since you used the 'airplane mode' function on your mobile phone? In addition to turning on this mode when traveling by plane, it also has a lot of useful uses in daily life.

Picture 1 of How many uses of 'airplane mode' do you know on smartphones?

When you activate airplane mode, all transmissions or receptions from your device over cellular, data networks, FM radio and bluetooth are stopped. However, it will not affect the use of other functions of the mobile phone.

The reason it's called airplane mode is because when flying, airlines often ask you to turn off the above functions of your phone by activating this mode. Thus, it is possible to avoid external impacts to the aircraft such as lightning, electromagnetic interference, etc.

In addition, airplane mode also has the following useful uses, please refer to it:

1. Super battery saver

For example, when you need to read some documents or watch a video, you suddenly find that your phone has only 10% battery left, and there is no charger there, what do you do now? 

The answer is to turn on airplane mode. It will turn off all unnecessary connections and tasks but still allow you to read files, take pictures, check the date, time, etc.

A large part of mobile phone power is consumed by the signal, so turning on airplane mode can save a lot of power. Especially when you go into weak signal areas, airplane mode helps your phone avoid consuming power trying to detect phone signal.

Also, when airplane mode is on, WiFi is turned off, but you can turn it back on manually, allowing apps that use the Internet to continue and still save more battery power than if you left it on. phone works normally.

2. Reduce cell phone radiation

Picture 2 of How many uses of 'airplane mode' do you know on smartphones?

Should keep the phone away from the pillow when sleeping to avoid radiation.

All electronic products will more or less have radiation, especially mobile phones, which are always beside us. Therefore, when sleeping, if it is not convenient to turn off your phone, you can turn on airplane mode to protect your health.

You should also keep the phone away from the pillow, this can greatly reduce the radiation of the mobile phone and give you a peaceful sleep.

3. Increase charging speed

In case you are about to go out and need to communicate but find that the battery level of your phone is very low, you need to take advantage of as much time as possible to 'pick up' as much battery as possible. Airplane mode will be a good helper for the phone to charge the battery at this time. 

At that time, functions such as cellular connection, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, which are not needed at this time, are turned off. This can not only accelerate the charging speed of the mobile phone, but also reduce the power consumption rate of the mobile phone, the battery of the phone will be charged faster.

4. Prevent unintended deductions

Picture 3 of How many uses of 'airplane mode' do you know on smartphones?

Turn on airplane mode when lending your phone to your child to avoid being charged an unfortunate amount.

Many families let their children use cell phones or tablets to watch children's programs, learn foreign languages, etc. However, parents may not always be able to control all of their children's activities. young children. Especially with the curious feature in children, they may be led to use software and games on mobile phones to send SMS to deduct money.

In this case, turning on airplane mode is a smart choice, you won't have to worry about losing money 'unjustly' when you let your kids play with your phone.

In addition, turning on airplane mode when lending your phone to your child also helps you avoid trouble if your child mistakenly dials someone, very practical, right?

5. Quickly reset network signal

When the phone suddenly loses signal or network signal, the first thing that many people think of is turning off the phone and restarting it. However, there is a faster and more convenient way that is to turn on airplane mode and turn it off after a few seconds, this helps the phone reset mobile signal and network signal. 

6. Avoid high roaming charges

Picture 4 of How many uses of 'airplane mode' do you know on smartphones?

When going abroad, you should turn on airplane mode to avoid high roaming charges.

This is especially important when traveling or going on a business trip abroad. When you go to another country, your phone automatically goes into roaming mode, relaying from that country's carrier. In order not to be charged high fees for calling or texting under this roaming mode, it is best to turn on airplane mode. Of course, at this point, you can only contact people through apps that use wifi. 

If you need to communicate by text message or phone call, you can buy a SIM in the country you are visiting to use for a more economical fee.

7. Keep a quiet space

Finally, after a busy and dedicated period, or when something unexpected comes up, you may need some alone time to rest or reflect. In case you don't want to be disturbed but still need to update information, turning on airplane mode is a reasonable option.

When you want to rest at night and don't want to be disturbed by calls and texts, turn on airplane mode. The alarm feature will still work normally, helping you not to oversleep the next day.