How to handle when being stung by jellyfish and cramps during summer bathing

When going to the beach many people are afraid of 2 things that are stung by jellyfish and cramps while swimming. Here are some methods to help you deal with these problems accidentally.

When burned by jellyfish

Scars and bites caused by some fish species (such as stingrays), jellyfish and other marine animals are very painful, can cause serious complications such as necrotic dermatitis and canopy blood, muscle and nerve paralysis or causing heart and respiratory problems . The best way is to do the following:

Picture 1 of How to handle when being stung by jellyfish and cramps during summer bathing
The tentacles or body parts of the bite should be removed.

  1. Quickly wash the wound with seawater to clean the unused activated cells (do not wash with fresh water or hot water because it will hurt more seriously).
  2. Eliminate tentacles or body parts of bites.
  3. Mix a solution of 10 parts water with one part of ammonia, vinegar, soda or main noodles and apply it to the injured area (if there are no such chemicals available, rub the wound on the wound) .
  4. Use a knife or edge objects (spoons, ice cream sticks, etc.) to scrape the burned area.
  5. The jellyfish lesions often burn red, straight or twisted, causing intense pain. When you encounter this wound, it is necessary to limit movement, avoid touching the injured area, cold compressing on the wound within 1 hour will reduce pain. After the burned area has dried, use cordicosteroid therapy, local antihitmine or topical anesthetic cream every 4 hours for several days.
  6. Seek medical help if the victim: is allergic to the sting, is pricked on the face or neck or the situation becomes worse (eg difficulty breathing).

When cramps

Even great swimmers are afraid of cramps. The pain of cramps will reduce the ability to swim or more seriously can drown.

Picture 2 of How to handle when being stung by jellyfish and cramps during summer bathing
When cramps in other muscle areas need to find ways to shore or at least try to drag to shallow water.

If this happens unfortunately while you are in the sea, then it is necessary to calmly handle the following:

  1. If abdominal muscles are cramped (very dangerous), must calmly relax the whole body in the posture of extending arms and legs, slowly inhale deeply and press the acupuncture points around with your hands, gently rubbing on the cramps and asking people around the shore.

When cramps in other areas need to find ways to go ashore or at least try to reach the shallow water, then ask yourself or ask your friends to help with cramps in the following ways:

  1. Cramps in the calf (most often) try to stretch your legs straight, stand with heels and fingers to help the calf muscles relax. You can call the help by lying down to keep your legs straight and maximizing and asking someone to push your toes back toward the knee.
  2. Cramps in the thighs, so sit down, people help pull the victim's legs straight, and raise the heel at the same time using the other hand to press down on the knee.

Remember, when you are unable to swim to the shore, the more you panic and thrash, the faster you sink. So if the waves are not very large, calmly drop the body on the surface of the water waiting for people to save. When raising your hand for help, just raise one hand and the other hand to beat the water to keep the body afloat. Once you have cramps, do not go to the water again, take a break and go swimming the next day.

  1. How to deal with cramps