How to know if you have low EQ?

Although understanding the importance of EQ, its intangible nature makes it difficult to know if we own them more or less and how to improve if we lack emotional intelligence.

Decades of research have shown that EQ is a determinant of successes different from the rest. The relationship is so strong that it shows that 90% of the most successful people have very high EQ.

When the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared, it was a missing piece of explanation for the mystery: people with average IQ performed better than those with the highest IQ. more than 70%. This finding proves the mistake of popular belief that IQ is the only factor for success.

Although understanding the importance of EQ, its intangible nature makes it difficult to know if we own them more or less and how to improve if we lack emotional intelligence. Here are the behaviors that show you are lacking in serious emotional intelligence:

1. You are not angry

Emotional intelligence does not always treat "beautiful", but it is about managing emotions to achieve the best possible results. Sometimes this means letting people see you are sad, angry or frustrated.

Always wearing a happy and optimistic mask is actually not smart or effective at all. People with emotional intelligence use negative and positive emotions in appropriate situations.

2. You are easily stressed

Emotional intelligence will make stress easier to handle by allowing you to detect and solve problems before things get worse.

Picture 1 of How to know if you have low EQ?

People with low EQ tend to use other less effective means to manage their mood.

People who lack emotional intelligence tend to use other less effective means to manage their mood. They have the ability to experience anxiety, depression, substance abuse . twice as high as those with emotional intelligence.

3. You have difficulty in asserting yourself

People with high EQ know how to balance behavior, empathy and kindness with the ability to assert themselves and set boundaries. This clever combination makes the conflict resolution more gentle. When most people reach their limits, they often default to negative behaviors, but emotional smart people are balanced and assertive by staying away from those emotions. This helps them neutralize "hard-working" people without creating enemies.

4. You cannot identify your feelings

Research indicates that only 36% of people can determine the feelings they are experiencing. This is a problem because it is impossible to label emotions often with misunderstandings and thereby lead to irrational choices and counterproductive actions.

5. You make assumptions quickly and protect them vehemently

Picture 2 of How to know if you have low EQ?

EQ-deficient people often form opinions quickly and confidently trust it.

The lack of EQ often formed opinions quickly and confidently believed it, they would find all the evidence to support that idea and ignore any evidence of the opposite. This is especially dangerous for leaders, because their opinions become strategic for the team. Conversely, people with high EQ allow their thoughts to be free, because they know the initial reaction is emotional. They take the time to think and develop and consider the possible consequences and criticisms. After that, they conveyed ideas that were developed in the most effective way and considered every feedback.

6. You keep grudges

Picture 3 of How to know if you have low EQ?

Hatred will cause high blood pressure and heart disease.

When a threat is imminent, a negative reaction is necessary for your existence, but when it is a story of the past, retaining hatred will destroy your body and cause serious consequences. weight on health over time.

Emory University researchers have shown that hatred will cause high blood pressure and heart disease. Keeping hatred means you are holding tensions. People with emotional intelligence avoid this at all costs. Let go of hatred not only makes you feel better now, but also can improve your health tomorrow /

7. You do not accept mistakes

People with emotional intelligence separate themselves from their mistakes, but they don't forget them. By keeping mistakes at a safe distance, but still enough to look at the reference, they can adapt and adjust to achieve success in the future.

Obsessing too long with mistakes makes you nervous and shy, while completely forgetting it makes you risk repeating. The key to balance lies in the ability to turn failure into a springboard for success.

8. You often feel misunderstood

When you lack emotional intelligence, you feel you are misunderstood because you cannot deliver the message in a way that people can understand. Even people with high EQ know that they cannot communicate well their ideas perfectly. But when they realize that people do not understand what they are saying, they will adjust their approach and convey the idea.

Picture 4 of How to know if you have low EQ?

People with low EQ feel they are misunderstood because they cannot give the message in a way that people can understand.

9. You don't know how to "pull the trigger"

Everyone has his trigger. People often "pull the trigger" and cause hasty actions. Emotional intelligence people understand their "trigger" , use that knowledge to step back, wait until they are ready.

10. You blame others for your feelings

Emotions come from within. You must be responsible for your feelings. No one can make you feel anything that you don't want.

11. You are easily offended

If you know who you are, it is difficult for others to say or do things you are sad or angry about. People with emotional intelligence are confident, open and "thick" people. You can even mock yourself or let others joke about you, because you have the ability to separate the line between humor and insult.

Unlike IQ, EQ can be honed. When you practice the brain by constantly practicing new behaviors that express emotional intelligence, it becomes a habit. When the brain reinforces the use of these new behaviors, the old acts will disappear. Soon, you will start reacting to things around you with emotional intelligence without having to think about it.

Update 18 December 2018



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