How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables

Today, the problem of pesticides and toxic chemicals in vegetables is the concern of most families. So how to reduce the amount of pesticide after to ensure safe food for everyone's health?

Picture 1 of How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables

From the vegetables, the ratio of pesticides in fruits, vegetables and beans is highest.

Vegetables often have pesticide residues because the leaf blades of vegetables are soft, the amount of water is high, the pests and insects like to eat, so when spraying, they must spray many protective pesticides.

Spices have a lower amount of pesticides because the essential oils in these vegetables are natural insect repellents.

Pests are very fond of cowpea, so they are often sprayed with many pesticides, including many high-class insecticides.

Cucumbers, tomatoes due to the large growth environment moisture are easy to cause disease, so the medicine kills bacteria. Compared to pesticides, fungicides are less harmful to the body.

Picture 2 of How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables

The following simple method helps reduce pesticides

1. Soak vegetables in clean water for 5-10 minutes before washing or use soaked rice water to soak, aiming to neutralize toxins in pesticides.

2. Use 5% salt water to wash vegetables.

3. Cucumbers, eggplant or fruits with a high concentration of pesticides are best washed, peeled and eaten.

4. Heating at high temperatures also makes decomposition pesticides, some heat-resistant vegetables such as cauliflower, beans, vegetables need . after washing, blanching with hot water for 2 minutes to make pesticides 30% reduction, then cooking at high temperatures, thus eliminating 90% of pesticides.

5. Sunlight makes the amount of pesticides on vegetables broken, resolved. For vegetables in the sun for 5 minutes, the amount of pesticides left on vegetables such as organic mercury, organic chlorine reduced by about 60%.

Picture 3 of How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables
Soak fruits and vegetables with vinegar.

6 . Vinegar is one of the most effective ingredients to remove germs and pesticides from fruits and vegetables because it has strong antibacterial properties. You only need to dilute 10% white vinegar with 90% water, soak your fruits and vegetables in it.

Soak for about 10 minutes, during that time stir the vegetables and fruits evenly in the mixture. Finally wash it once with cool boiled water.

7. Baking soda is a great way to clean fruits and vegetables that contain pesticide residues naturally and effectively.

Picture 4 of How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables Baking soda helps eliminate harmful chemicals effectively

For special use, wash vegetables with 5 large glasses of water (about 1.5 liters of water), add 4 tablespoons of baking soda (baking powder) and stir well.

Then, soak the vegetables and fruits in this solution and keep the mixture for 15 minutes. After all, using a towel to dry the fruit is usable. For vegetables, only soak the mixture for 5-7 minutes and rinse with clean water.

8. Due to the strong antiseptic properties, turmeric can also be used to effectively remove germs and pesticides on vegetables. Just put 5 teaspoons of turmeric powder in a pot of boiling water (depending on the amount of fruit to soak), stir well and let the turmeric basin cool.

Then, put fruits and vegetables in the soak for 15 minutes. Rinse again with clean water.

Picture 5 of How to 'reduce' pesticides in vegetables Wash vegetables under clean water.(Photo:

Preliminary identification of vegetables with pesticides

  1. Look at the outside appearance to see vegetables and fruits intact, healthy, not scratched, not crushed, infected at the stalk.
  2. Be wary of too fat, too buoyant, " too beautiful " compared to the normal; See if the color is the same as the natural color, withered, not.
  3. Unusual vegetables such as green, dark blue are caused by nitrate (NO3) .; holding fruit with a heavy hand, it must be brittle, unlike the kind with a pesticide, it is very fresh, but it is light; See if the stubble has strange powders and smells bad or bad smell of pesticides or not.