How to use and recharge the phone battery properly?

Whenever owning a new phone, some salespeople still advise users to discharge the battery, then fill it before starting the first use.

Whenever owning a new phone, some salespeople still advise users to discharge the battery, then fill it before starting the first use. However, this approach is only suitable for nickel batteries, but it has no effect on lithium-ion batteries being used by technology companies today.

Calibrate the battery

Picture 1 of How to use and recharge the phone battery properly?

The phone should be recharged regularly and keep the battery power at an ideal level of 40% - 80%.(Photo: phonandroid).

Lithium-ion batteries in the first use, it is best for users to calibrate the battery , by using the device immediately when removed from the box. Recharge only when the battery voltage drops to a minimum of 5% to avoid damaging the battery, do not use the lithium-ion battery to 0% exhaustion.

The best is not to have the phone turned off because the battery runs out and there is no need to recharge the battery up to 100%. In the early days of using the device, it is recommended to repeat this cycle repeatedly to the battery, estimate its actual capacity and customize the energy according to its use.

How to charge smart battery

If the user has to wait for the battery to be completely depleted and then loaded, the lithium-ion battery will deteriorate quickly. During use, it is best to charge the phone regularly, keeping the battery's power at an ideal level of 40% - 80%. To maximize battery life, users should be in the habit of recharging batteries in the afternoon and leaving the phone to rest at night.

With the above usage, the phone battery will have an ideal "live " environment and avoid having to load the device overnight. Although this will not be necessary when modern devices have a load stop mode when the battery is full.

Update 14 December 2018



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