Human reproduction limit
8 children at the same time make our minds falter, a little scared when we think about every single child born by a woman if that woman is a mouse.
8 children at the same time make our minds falter, a little scared when we think about every single child born by a woman if that woman is a mouse.
It would be great if all 8 children were born healthy but people were not created to be able to.
That is the basic energy learning mechanism. Every individual has energy. Some energy is spent on living, in other words, consuming to find food, not to become food of others. The rest of the energy is used for reproduction, which means that reproduction is also limited.
Of course, each of the different reproductive energies is different in the male and female sexes of each species. Men are not pregnant or lactating so they can pass on most of the genes by 'going back and forth' with this woman or another woman to produce as many babies as possible, then leave. Women's reproduction is much more complicated. And of course there is the price of pregnancy, or lactation in mammals and anything else necessary to nurture a child to maturity in terms of sex so that they can pass on the genome of them too.
But there are many ways, from an evolutionary point of view, to have a female species of a species distribute energy and nurture children successfully. Females can have many children at once, or even parity, and may have as much time as possible. For women like that, breeding is like an assembly line.Women can also choose to breed one child at a time and have to wait a long time to see if the one-time investment will bring about any results.
Meredith F. Small is Cornell University anthropologist and author or "Our Babies, Ourselves; How The Biology and Culture Shape the Way We Parent" and "The Culture of Our Discontent; Beyond the Medical Model of Mental Illness. " Her Human Nature column appeared on the following days on LiveScience. (Photo: LiveScience)
Obviously, humans cannot reproduce continuously. Evolution has chosen for us this way because we have characteristics that require a large 'investment' of mothers. Children have large brains compared to mammals, but children's brains need to grow larger once they are out of the mother's womb. Therefore, children are not neurologically completed. They cannot cling, sit or feed themselves or escape predators. Therefore the nature of what is needed to become an adult puts pressure on the number of babies a mother can give birth to at the same time.
Try looking at a woman and try to think how many women that woman can wear based on body composition: up to two.
In fact, our babies need a lot of things, so the father is also forced to stop 'flirting' to stay home with the mother if they want their genes to grow. The evolution of the human family is not about men and women deciding to stick together but about the dependence of children born.
We are also used to this system so there is nothing else to do but stare in fear at the twitching shock twins at the time of birth 8. It seems that having many children at once is not good at all because it is not true for evolution. Such a family must definitely seek help outside of their parents. Perhaps there are also happy times but opportunities for mothers to give birth again will be very long.
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