IBM succeeded in reducing the movement speed of the light signal in the chip

IBM researchers have published a research paper that describes how to slow down the speed of movement of optical signals (photons containing data) in a microprocessor circuit. Here l

IBM researchers have published a research paper that describes how to slow down the speed of movement of optical signals (photons containing data) in a microprocessor circuit. This is a key factor in the development of microprocessor chips capable of transmitting and receiving signals through optical fiber optics.

Intel, IBM and a number of new IT electronics companies such as Primarion and Luxtera are working to invent a way to replace the metal wires used to connect microprocessor chips in one. computers with optical components, especially metal wire connections inside the chips.

Designers have long argued that the patterns of optical components as non-mainstream designs are contrary to contemporary technology. Currently, the majority of optical components are made of compounds of gallium and indium.

Companies that conduct research in this area want to create the size optical components of a chip from a silicon compound in order to keep production costs low. Intel and other companies have succeeded in creating waveform devices, whether they are electronic waves, light waves or sound waves and some other components. However, these companies have not been able to integrate these components into commercial products.

Picture 1 of IBM succeeded in reducing the movement speed of the light signal in the chip

Movement pattern of light signals. (Photo: CNet News)

This latest technology from IBM has a number of differences compared to previously developed technologies. This technology tries to slow down the movement speed of the signals so that the data transmission is still controlled and occurs synchronously.

To reduce the speed of signal movement, light is transferred through the 'mircoring amplifier' device. This device has the function of streaming light along circles instead of following straight as usual. Because light must move longer than usual, if the streaming device directly connects 2 points, the movement of the data can be buffered.

With a round shape, these threaded devices are easily integrated into a chip. Because all signals move circles, about 10 optical data bits can simultaneously move simultaneously in an area of ​​about 0.03 square millimeters.

Moc Nhat

Update 13 December 2018



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