If we become immortal, what will we eat every day?

Imagine if you were the first immortal in the world, before you realized what you would do in the role

The fact that humanity is immortal is not only anyone's wishful words, it has become one of the clear goals of hundreds of scientific studies. Suppose, we can solve this secret, it is very likely that people living today have the opportunity to become the first to have life beyond numbers like 200 years, 500 years and even forever. forever.

At this point, the question of life is no longer "how to become immortal" that mankind will "let go of immortality, how we will live". The following article will cover a rather remote aspect of the "immortal" story: if life will never die, what will humans eat?

Let's start with the question "why are we getting old" , this is still one of the controversial issues of the scientific world today. Even so, we all know that over time, people leave many negative consequences for their health that end many people's lives before they know the feeling of living to the age of 100. At the time of this article, the average daily death on Earth will have 150,000 deaths with about two-thirds of them being related to old age.

Picture 1 of If we become immortal, what will we eat every day?

The evolution of mankind.

The problem of fighting the aging process is not a problem of the modern world but a problem of the entire human race throughout its development. Specifically, the 2.6 million-year-old stone tools found in Ethiopia show the primitive efforts of our ancestors in intervening in the aging process. Many archaeologists evaluate the creation of such a tool to help ancient humans spend less on performing everyday tasks that, according to the study, predict that our ancestors perceive the aging process, Disaster becomes faster when there is no tool.

Since then, breakthrough inventions such as fire, writing, agriculture, scientific methods . until great progresses such as the Industrial Revolution have greatly improved the quality of life. of humans, this means increasing the average life expectancy for us. In the past 200 years, the average life expectancy has increased dramatically compared to the previous centuries. One day, when great inventions can make the ability to increase life expectancy beyond the speed of human aging, we will find "immortality" literally.

Imagine if you were the first immortal in the world, before you realized what you were going to do in this "one-on-one" role, you need to ask yourself a question: "What will I eat? at lunch? "

Picture 2 of If we become immortal, what will we eat every day?

There is no reason to doubt a self-image will not happen to people.

Aubrey De Gray, a medical expert who has shocked the world with the idea that people will reach 5,000 years in the 21st century - says if you search on Google for the keyword "anti-aging diet" "There will be a multitude of different results that will make you look your eyes. Even reputable scientists answer you with a single idea: limiting calorie intake, or frankly speaking, eat less.

Many studies in mice show that individuals who eat less than their peers at the end of the neonatal period will extend their life by 15%, if the age is set, then humans will be 5 years old. Of course, the evidence of similar processes taking place in primates or humans is still quite limited. However, Eric Ravussin, a health specialist at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, said : "There is no reason to doubt that a self-image will not happen to people. We have the right to hope for the future of science ".

Picture 3 of If we become immortal, what will we eat every day?

Aubrey De Gray, who offers amazing ideas about human life.

Although still a little skeptical of limiting calorie absorption , Aubrey De Gray still acknowledges that this is one of the basic steps of increasing life expectancy. If so, the first immortal will eat very little food according to this theory. The problem is, what will they eat? We will learn about the places with the highest average age in the world called the Blue zone .

Many studies of countries in the Blue zone, such as Japan and Greece, have shown that their people own meals focused on plant products, eating less meat and drinking wine. moderation. In particular, they regularly consume foods made from the bean family. Next, vegetables will still play a key role in the meal. But with climate change now becoming unpredictable, agricultural experts have predicted that hot-tolerant plants will thrive, such as corn, cucumbers, watermelons, Chili, tomatoes, and squash are all more likely to become popular. Meanwhile, cold vegetables like carrots, lettuce . will become "past".

Since then, Aubrey De Gray has concluded that immortals will eat very little in terms of calories, their meals will only provide about 1% of the current calories we absorb each day . In addition, they will have the same menu as the people at the current Blue Zone but will change the inner ingredients: a bit of laboratory-produced meat, hot climate-loving vegetables, Legumes and wine, of course, cannot forget clean water.

Update 18 December 2018



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