Previously, the oldest evidence for blacks in Africa in the form of bone fragments and fossil bone artifacts dates from 1.77 million to 1.85 million years ago.

In the territory of Vietnam, the oldest factory in the world has been found dating back more than 80,000 years of ancient Vietnamese residents.

According to the researchers, there was evidence of people who lived in what is now the center of Texas a few thousand years ago hunters from the ancient Clovis culture of North

According to scientists' writings, scattered stone tools in heaps of hippopotamus show that they came to the Philippines archipelago about 709,000 years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, about 100km west of what is today the city of Marrakesh of Morocco, a group of people living in the cave noticed the lush landscape of Morocco.

Australian archaeologists discovered an ancient trade route network in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam.

Handmade 13cm long bone fragment, originating about 44,000 years ago found in Australia has many characteristics like modern nose piercings.

From hundreds of stone and meteorite artifacts in An Khe town (Gia Lai), archaeologists from Vietnam and Russia evaluated them to be dated to about a million years.

According to a recent study, prehistoric dwarfs who lived in Indonesia many thousands of years ago may have been wiped out by the first modern humans.

According to experts at the University of Bologna, these are the oldest evidence of how ancient people treated dentistry.