Imagine if you were the first immortal in the world, before you realized what you would do in the role

Scientists recently published archaeological findings in Algeria with many animal and stone tools showing that not only East Africa, but all of Africa, is the cradle of humanity.

According to the scientific journal Plos One, the knife was found by Moroccan archaeologists in a cave in the northern coastal region adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean.

Laziness is extremely disastrous for Homo Erectus, a distant relative of our modern humanity. They were wiped out after nearly 2 million years of existence.

Scientists discovered traces of paint, commercial transactions and many useful tools from a village located in the first human homeland.

This is the result of a study published July 20 after archaeologists found axes and grindstones at a cave in Australia's far north.

Humans are not the oldest species on Earth, but humankind is the only species that can naturally regenerate and create artifacts, now becoming unique historical artifacts.

An area is considered as

This year, Dak Nong Provincial Museum has discovered many archaeological sites dating to different periods of the Paleolithic, New Stone and Early Metal Age.

Dr. Bui Phat Diem, Director of Long An Museum, said that there are about 40 special relics and thousands of pieces of pottery, just found during archaeological excavations, at the