The 10 most original and ancient artifacts of humanity

Humans are not the oldest species on Earth, but humankind is the only species that can naturally regenerate and create artifacts, now becoming unique historical artifacts.

Unique antiquities are always a passion for collectors, in which there are artifacts that can be said to be unique and the oldest. Here is a list of 10 such artifacts.

The oldest labor tool

The oldest tool of mankind is, of course, stones and things that are very natural in nature. These ancient stone tools are called Oldowan, which consists of sharp pieces of stone, which are used to cut and shave meat from animal bones.

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The most ancient and unique artifacts of mankind are stone tools.

Discovered in Gona, Ethiopia, these tool stones are up to 2.6 million years old. They are proof of evolutionary life, beginning to know how to use human tools.

The oldest abstract artwork

Discovered up to 500 thousand years old, shells and shells with random lines are believed to be the first and most ancient abstract art works of humans.

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Boys' shells with abstract carvings have become the most ancient and unique antiquities ever seen.

In early 2014, a group of researchers confirmed that they were a kind of Homo erectus tool, or routine. The lines cut and engraved on the shells, the bottle is definitely the product of human hands. They were discovered in Java Island, Indonesia.

The oldest mask

The oldest masks date back to about 9000 years, belonging to the Neolithic period. These stone masks were discovered in Judean desert and Judean hill. Currently, these stone masks are on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

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Unique stone mask.

Researchers are still not sure how many of these masks were created to wear as the modern people still use or use as objects in ancient rituals and rituals. The cave paintings often depict people with masks, but unlike those stone masks, ordinary masks are usually made of decomposing materials. This makes this number of stone masks become extremely valuable relics.

The oldest mechanical watch still works

The oldest mechanical watch is a rather bulky set of machines located in Salisbury Cathedral, south of England. This mechanical watch was made by Bishop Erghum around the year 1386. Currently, it is still capable of operation.

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This massive machine is a unique artifact, the oldest mechanical watch still in operation today.

This giant clock is a collection of gears and equipment, connected by wires, in the middle is a control unit. The birth of mechanical watches makes ordering and calling time more unified and easier. The oldest mechanical watch was discovered in Italy, made around 1335, but is now inoperable. This turned this watch in the south of England into the oldest mechanical watch still in operation.

The painting in the oldest cave

Until 2014, the cave paintings with the age of up to 32,000 years were discovered in the valley of the Ardeche River, France. This is evidence of the explosive development of symbolic thinking at that time.

But shortly afterwards in September 2014, archaeologists discovered a cave painting that dates to approximately 35,400, making it the oldest cave painting ever discovered.

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The painting in the cave was discovered in Indonesia.

The painting was discovered in Sulawesi, Indonesian, including fingerprints, hand prints printed on stone with an ancient paint.

The oldest instrument

Discovered in 2009, bone flutes made from ivory or bird bones have become the most ancient musical instruments of mankind. With a defined date of up to 43,000 years, they are believed by researchers to be an expression of a culture whose music developed earlier.

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Made from ivory and bone, this unique antiquity is an instrument.

The oldest statue

Called the Venus of Hohle Fels, they are the earliest statues, depicting the human form. The material for making them ivory, which is dated to about 40,000 years, clearly depicts women with distinctly enlarged breasts and buttocks. Researchers believe that they are totem in the beliefs of the ancients.

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These statues depict mainly women.

The oldest wooden building is intact

It is the temple Buddist Horyu-ji in Japan, built around 587 AD as a place of prayer for the recovery of illness. In 670, a part of the temple was burned down, but only a few years later, in 710, the temple was built and restored.

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Temple of Buddist Horyu-ji in Japan.

Researchers still have a bit of skepticism about the fire in 670, whether the temple was completely destroyed and rebuilt in 710. Although there is no conclusion, but with more than 14 centuries of stability, this temple is the oldest wooden architectural building still preserved to this day.

The oldest coins

After a period of research, archaeologists also agreed, the oldest official coin is the coin discovered in Turkey. These coins are made of gold and silver alloys, dating back to about 600 BC.

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The shape of the oldest coin.

The oldest book is intact

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The ancient gospel of the 7th century remains intact.

It was a red gospel book, leather cover, written in Latin in the 7th century in the name of St. Cuthbert Gospel (the word of the gospel of Cuthbert). The book is actually a transcript of the Gospel of St. John (St. John's gospel).