Impatient people can age faster

Many people believe that patience is a good virtue, and according to a new study, patience can also help you live longer. This study shows that impatient people tend to age prematurely, and the desire to get things quickly can make their lives "slip away" faster. These findings are believed to slow the aging process in people who are impatient and impatient, through interventions, such as meditation .

To calculate the level of impatience, scientists from the National University of Singapore have given 1,100 students a game, allowing them to choose a cash reward as soon as they start, or will Get more money if you wait a while. The game is based on the famous Marshmallow test, when children are told they can get a piece of marshmallow right away, or two if they wait hard. Children who choose to wait often have a better life.

Picture 1 of Impatient people can age faster
Telomeres are located at the ends of chromosomes, protecting chromosomes during cell division.(Photo:

After sorting out who are impatient students, researchers conduct blood tests and measure their telomere length.Telomere are "hats" located at the ends of the chromosome, which act as protective protectors for chromosomes as well as DNA. Telomere will be shortened and will eventually disappear completely as we age, so they can be seen as a sign of the speed of aging.

Scientists find that students decide to choose a reward immediately in the test, and possess shorter telomeres. This seems to mean how impatience has affected their biological components and has been associated with a reduction in life expectancy.

Dr. Zhang Xing, who worked at the National University of Singapore and currently works at the ETH Zurich Institute (Switzerland), said: " Impatience has a negative impact on activities throughout one's life, term, such as abuse of drugs or inappropriate physical activities, are the perfect factors to lead to aging, and impatience is also linked to inadequacy in cognitive ability, not able to cope with challenges in life, and at risk of mental disorders ".

Picture 2 of Impatient people can age faster
Impatience has a negative impact on activities throughout life.(Photo:

"These impatient implications have made us think that impatience can also cause telomeres to be shorter. The problem is that we cannot know exactly what the potential causes are. For this, being impatient leads to short telomeres, or short telomeres that make people more impatient. " The team of scientists is now planning to continue their research to find out whether mindfulness - a form of meditation - can help reduce impatience and keep telomeres alive longer. .

Meanwhile, exercise and standing work have long been proven possible to stretch telomeres, thereby slowing down the aging process. In 2014, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that the shorter the time a person spent sitting, their telomeres were longer and the chances of life were increased. There are currently 200 clinical trials in humans around the world, in finding solutions to slow the aging process by making changes at the molecular level, such as making telomeres longer.