Creating cancer cells is a very complex process, requiring the coordination of many factors and the accumulation of many mutations to eventually form cancer.

An international team of researchers analyzed the bat genome - the animal that holds the secret of immortality of the entire animal world.

Humans can live long but cannot master immortality, so what causes human immortality paradox?

For everyone, life after death is always a mystery and no one can prove it.

Many people believe that patience is a good virtue, and according to a new study, patience can also help you live longer.

Scientists are slowly deciphering the mysteries of aging, meaning that one day not far from humans can immortalize ...

Can the length of DNA sequences of patients with heart disease predict beforehand their expected lifespan?

Scientists in the United States found signs in the immune system showing the possibility of a person being susceptible to colds. The research team from Carnegie Mellon University,

Children who experience violence or bullying may be at risk of DNA damage, leading to an age of 7-10 years older than their peers. This conclusion was made after researchers at

Scientists found that the more moles on the body, the healthier the young, the more muscular, the less wrinkles and the bones.