'Improved' ways to increase efficiency

Picture 1 of 'Improved' ways to increase efficiency Previously, it was assumed that your step (stride step) was born and lived for a lifetime, just trying to use it was healthy. But the current view is that, if you change the step in a scientific way, the efficiency will be much higher.

Today, we are less active. Many people blame the work situation: sitting at the desk, sitting in the car . The urge is missing, the muscles are not used. To burn body fat, jogging is the best way. The latest scientific research published by Men's Health shows that you can change your running step better, just be patient and follow strict training discipline.

Old and new tips

1. Old point of view: Your running step has been born at the same time and lasts forever, try to use it.

New perspective: You can change the running step better. Indeed. Joggers have a more efficient run than us, they use very little energy at all speeds. A step is considered effective when you are comfortable and reduce the risk of injury. Here are 3 ways to promote forging an effective run that you can perform:

- Shorten the step: Most people jog with a long run, this will create an easy effect of falling or restraining the step. To fix this, let the whole body "rush" forward when running. Your legs will be less near your body.

- Overcoming gravity: Reduce the number of times the feet touch the ground. When running, think about pulling your legs back as soon as your feet touch the ground.

- Minimize the body bounce when running: Imagine having a ceiling just a few centimeters from your head, this will help you when running is more straight and effective.

2. Old view: Speed ​​is hard to improve.

New perspective: People can practice to get better speed. Today's runners are 20% faster than before. Running at high speed will make you run at full speed. You will burn lots of calories because you need more energy to run. Fast running is an effective companion for physical training, and makes fast-stretching fibers work effectively. How to practice as follows:

- Heat the body 5-10 minutes with the easiest jogging.

- Run one round, then slow down one round.

- Quickly run 2 rounds and slow down 1 round

- Run 3 times fast and run slowly for 1 round.

- Run 4 times fast.

- Cool by slow running for 5-10 minutes.

3. Old point of view: Run uphill, then slow down the slope.

New perspective: Run quickly down the slope, then slow down the slope. Hill climbing is the basic principle for training road joggers. Running quickly down the slope increases the pressure on your legs so they can be better controlled; Help you run faster because your muscles will grow accustomed to the fast steps you need.

Once a week, after completing the easy exercise, make 4-6 times a downhill sprint to relax, each time lasting 20 seconds. Between these two sprints, we jog slowly.

4. Old point of view: Power makes you run faster.

New perspective: Exploiting the capacity makes you run fast. Let's add a dance exercise to practice jogging, you will improve your ability and power more effectively. Follow these exercises:

- Jump on one leg at a time: Stand on the left leg, in front of the right foot half a step, two hands along the body. Lower yourself until your left knee is about 1 inch (2.54 cm) from the ground, and then try to jump up very high. When dancing, try to change the position of your leg so that when you land, your right leg is half a step ahead of your left leg. Lower yourself to continue dancing again. This exercise needs to jump 16-24 times (each leg jumps 8-12 times).

- Jump one leg at a time: Keep your balance on your left foot, jump on a high platform about 10-18 inches (about 25-45 cm), land down with your left foot and jump down with your left leg. Jump up and down the left foot about 10-20 times, then change to the right leg.

5. Old View: Forge yourself into a rigorous training plan.

New perspective: Be flexible. Forcing yourself into the pre-planned exercise regime sometimes does not benefit you. Begin the practice day with difficult exercises or easy exercises. If you are aiming for a difficult exercise but feel tedious, move on to an easy exercise. If you feel excited during the day of doing an easy exercise, move on to the difficult exercise.

6 steps to improve running

Run straight: Imagine running while running, there are strings attached to your shoulders that make you run straight, not stooping forward (running a lot of energy).

Relax: Stress on your hands, shoulders, neck, face needs to be effectively reduced. Hands and fingers need to be relaxed, floating hands and jaws moving freely.

Proper breathing: Your breath needs to be smooth and deep, and you feel the diaphragm - not your chest - is working. Controlled exhalation. When you walk, don't let your breath be shallow.

Touch the ground right in the middle of the foot: Reduce the distance of the step, touch the ground with the middle of the leg (touching the ground with the toe of the foot is a high energy movement).

Smooth running: The more powerful the desk is to saturate the land, the less effective the running. Try to run smoothly when your feet touch the ground.

Two hands symmetrical when running: Check your shape in front of a mirror, if one hand is bent over the other, try to create a balance for your hands when running (like two wings).