Is Alzheimer's genetic?

There is growing scientific evidence that if a parent has Alzheimer's disease, their children will be at higher risk.

Picture 1 of Is Alzheimer's genetic?
People born in families with a history of Alzheimer's disease are at risk
get this disease higher.(Illustration)

The page Physorg quoted by Robyn Honea, of the University of Kansas Medical School (USA), said those in the family with a history of Alzheimer's disease have a 4 to 10 times higher risk of developing the disease than those of the Alzheimer's. whose family has no disease.

Scientists from Kansas University studied 53 people with dementia over 60 years of age in two years, of which 11 had mothers, 10 had fathers with Alzheimer's disease and 32 had no history of Alzheimer's disease. . They all scan the brain and check the cognitive process.

The results showed that those with mothers with Alzheimer's had twice the risk of disease compared with uninfected mothers and fathers. In addition, mothers with Alzheimer's suffer from half a year of brain atrophy than those with fathers with the disease. It should also be explained that brain narrowing and brain atrophy are associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Mr. Honea said: ' Using the 3-D mapping method, we can observe affected brain regions in people with sick parents. In people with a family history of illness there is a difference in brain weakness compared to those without. Knowing the heredity of this disease will help us make better prevention and treatment measures . '