Is expected to dominate the world?

Argentine ant populations are growing throughout the world at a tremendous rate. Scientists began to mention this phenomenon seriously, whether they flooded the Earth, threatened the ecology and humanity with their rapid expansion?

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) appear very similar to their ' brothers ' with them. But unlike the other ' tribes ', living in South America, they are highly social not only internally but also in communication with other species with them.

Picture 1 of Is expected to dominate the world?

Preface (Photo:

Currently, Argentina has resided all over the world, even people have discovered traces of them in the Arctic. Recent studies have shown that this insect began to form large corporations, tens of millions of animals.

Three settlement centers have been known - where large conglomerates are located - of them, a 6,000km stretch along the Mediterranean coast, a 600km (US) long California coast and one, less than one. little on the west coast of Japan. In addition, there are many other populations, also living in areas with a few tens of kilometers in diameter.

Along with the formation of large populations, Argentina began to change its behavior . The group of Japanese and Spanish researchers led by Professor Eiriki Sunamura studied representatives of the three groups together with another population living in northern Spain.

Representatives of small populations are more aggressive, while representatives of large corporations have a common ' language ' and easily form a disciplined unity that works together. They are easy to assemble, exchange information by contacting beards, and finding and dividing food. According to insect learners, the individuals of those giant corporations consider themselves a member of a family.

Scientists think that like humans, ants have signs to recognize each other in kinship, but in us they are common ancestors, but for them, characteristic smells have the same chemical composition. .

Picture 2 of Is expected to dominate the world?

Argentine Ants (Photo:

So does the Argentinian population in different continents have any " cooperation "? In them, is there something called ' international relations '? Temporarily, the scientists 'answer is' no! '. However, the expansion of ants is still closely monitored by scientists with the vigilance that they can cause.

In this regard, the Russian entomologist, Dr. Leonid Kukhlianov said: Do humans have errors in this? - Yes, because they brought ants from one continent to another . Will human economic activities make Argentine ants grow so fast? - Not excluded. Is there an association between the population of ants and the global warming? - Definitely yes.

Don't forget that if humanity is the lord of vertebrates, ants are also made to crown in the insect world. They are able to adapt to environmental changes and have many social behaviors developed. Studying them will help humans to answer previously unanswered questions.

Most ants are not aggressive, different from termites. Their food is not created or used by humans. Tens of thousands of years, they once existed with humans without harming each other.