AMD: We will dominate the market in 2007

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is expected to develop its microprocessor business by 20% next year, the only way to do that is to take market share from its direct rival. - Intel.

According to CFO Robert Rivet, although the company has achieved 10% growth in the processor industry and chipset, AMD hopes to continue to develop their strengths by 20%. This number includes the number of processors and chipsets ordered by ATI Technology.

Picture 1 of AMD: We will dominate the market in 2007 AMD was the one who overtaken Intel years ago with the powerful Opteron and Athlon 64 processors. But with the launch of this year's Core 2 Duo product line, Intel is gradually taking market share in the server sector. Intel believes in 2007, its new chip product will reverse the dominant position that belongs to AMD.

Responding to the move, AMD announced that by mid-2007 the company will release new server chips and increase its affiliation with Dell to accelerate the pace of sales in the market.