Isaac Newton predicted the world would end in 2060

Scientists have recently discovered a handwritten document by the scientist Isaac Newton

The prediction of the great scientist Isaac Newton has just been discovered in his handwritten document.

Scientists have recently discovered a handwritten document by a scientist titled "Jehovah Sanctus Unus". In this document, he predicted that the current world will end in 2060 and the Earth once again becomes the "Kingdom of God".

'The world may end later (2060), but I don't see the reason for the earlier termination , ' wrote the famous 17th-century scientist.

Picture 1 of Isaac Newton predicted the world would end in 2060

The cause of the end of the world is attributed to nuclear war, climate change and political instability.

Newton's prediction was revealed in the newly published book of Austrian astronomer Florian Freistetter.

'For him, 2060 will be a new beginning, possibly with war and disaster , ' writes astronomer Freistetter.

Florian Freistetter said that scientist Isaac Newton believed in future events that had been 'arranged by God'.

Born in 1643, Isaac Newton is considered a theological expert. He spent his life studying God and religion. He is also a scientist with many great innovations, including the fascinating theory of everything.

In 1/2018, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists magazine adjusted the apocalyptic clock 2 minutes and 3 seconds earlier than the prediction in 2017. The cause of the end of the world is attributed to, and political instability .

Update 17 December 2018



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