Jahre Viking - The world's largest tanker

Although no longer used after more than 30 activities with many ups and downs, the Jahre Viking is still maintaining the title of the world's most ship!

Although no longer used after more than 30 activities with many ups and downs, the Jahre Viking is still maintaining the title of the world's most ship!

The Seawise Giant , also known as (later) is the Happy Giant, the Jahre Viking, and Knock Nevis , the world's largest gross tonnage ship, though no longer in operation, yet no rival can overcome it. .

In 1974, Jahre Viking was ordered by a Greek company of Sumitomo Corporation, Japan. It took five years to complete and launch in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan. But due to some minor problems during the trial, the Greek side did not accept.

Later, the Jahre Viking was repaired and upgraded with an additional capacity of 156,000 tons so that it had a total new tonnage of over 564,000 tons, the largest in the world at that time and now.

Picture 1 of Jahre Viking - The world's largest tanker

Jahre Viking total new tonnage is over 564,000 tons.

Entering the operation, this ship changed its name many times due to the acquisition of many different companies and corporations. The biggest highlight of Jahre Viking's life was probably a heavy, sunk damage off Iran by the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war.

Luckily for the Jahre Viking, after the war ended, it was repaired and resurrected by a multinational company. By 2010, Jahre Viking made his last trip to India and stayed here waiting for destruction.

Picture 2 of Jahre Viking - The world's largest tanker

Jahre Viking when placed next to other normal tankers.

Talking about size and record, it always impresses people by huge numbers. Jahre Viking is nearly 460m long (458.45) equivalent to the length of 4 modern football fields, up to 68.8m wide. And if it can stand upright on the ground, the height is not inferior to the most famous skyscrapers in the world.

Picture 3 of Jahre Viking - The world's largest tanker

The Eiffel Tower or the Empire State building also paused behind this giant named Jahre Viking.

In particular, with a depth of 24.6m below the surface of the ship, unfortunately it cannot pass through the Suez Canal and Panama Canal. Or even, to Viking's anchor weighs 36 tons.

Videograpic details about the Jahre Viking ship.

In addition, the maximum displacement in stock: 657,019 tons, can carry 650,000 cubic meters of oil, equivalent to more than 4.2 million barrels of oil, a huge number! To be able to self-move in such a large volume, it is equipped with a steam engine with a capacity of 50,000 horsepower, giving a speed of 30km / h (equivalent to 5.3 nautical miles / h).

It's so strong, if you want to brake at that speed, it takes 8.8km to stop. Suppose you want to turn 180 degrees, the minimum rotation radius is 3.2km.

Close up of the world's largest tanker.

Update 18 December 2018



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