Japan: production of petrol from ... cow dung

A group of Japanese researchers says they have found a new source of petrol - animal feces. This new production technology would provide a relatively practical benefit for livestock farmers, while minimizing large quantities of animal waste.

Japanese scientists have found a new source of petrol - animal feces.

Picture 1 of Japan: production of petrol from ... cow dung

Cow manure - a new material used to produce gasoline of the Japanese.

A group of Japanese researchers says they have found a new source of petrol - animal feces.

Prof. Sakae Shibusawa, an agricultural technician from the Tokyo Agricultural and Technical University, said his team succeeded in producing 11.9 grams of petroleum from 99.2 grams of cow dung by using compression high and hot.

This new production technology would provide a relatively practical benefit for livestock farmers, while minimizing large quantities of animal waste.

It is estimated that each year, Japan produces over 551 tons of animal dung from the technology.

" Petrol has attracted a large number of cow dung, an unknown material, " said Tomiaki Tamura, an official with the Energy and Natural Resources Agency.

Japan is aware that most of these fuels have to be imported to meet consumer demand.

At the same time, the team also helped staff members of the National Institute for Industrial Research and Techniques near Tokyo to produce petrol by giving a variety of unidentified metal catalysts and cow dung. into a container, then compressed and heated to 300 degrees Celsius. But details of the catalyst have not been announced.

The research team hopes to refine this new technology and put it into widespread use over the next five years.

Meanwhile, another group of researchers made an experiment from cow dung and successfully found vanilla fragrances from cow dung.

Along with the aroma, vanillin can also be used as a perfume for shampoos and candles, said Miki Tsuruta, spokesman for Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd. In addition, in a joint project of the Japanese Medical Research Institute used the vanillin chemicals to produce the rice cooker pressure.

mystical gem

Update 11 December 2018



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