Jurassic World: This is the true size of dinosaurs compared to humans

Are you curious to know the standard size of Blue -

Are you curious about Blue's standard size - the smartest "girl" Velociraptor in the movie?

In the movie, humans have shown themselves to be an ambitious and . mischievous species, when they are looking at the dinosaur genome and creating some completely new species - like Indoraptor or Indominus Rex. However, the soul of the film must still be "traditional" , like, Sauropods (long-necked dinosaurs), Triceratop (3-horned dinosaurs), or Velociraptor.

But in particular, how is each of these children compared to humans? What is their size? The below Inforgraphic will help you have a clearer view of that.

* Dinosaur data is taken from the common conventions of scientists, in foot units.

Some may be misrepresented on film - like the Velociraptor, for example, they are not that big.

Picture 1 of Jurassic World: This is the true size of dinosaurs compared to humans

Update 16 December 2018



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