Just cards, but in this guy's hands, they turn into skilled dancers

Eliot Slevin is an expert in cardistry, this video will show you his skills.

Many of us would love to watch video clips of gambling, not playing cards, but watching some skillful hands perform super smooth shuffling techniques . One of the experts in this subject is Eliot Slevin, a 22-year-old boy who has 8 years of experience in cardistry . Simply put, this is a subject that uses the skill of the hands to control the cards, making the viewer feel extremely excited.

Eliot Slevin has won in the National Cardistry contest, if he does not know what this guy's talented hand can do, the video below will help you better understand:

Performances with cards like perfect dance

As you can see, cards like "stick" to Slevin's flexible fingers, are just an ordinary deck, but in Slevin's hands, they are like rhythmic athletes performing perfect dance. . The movement of cards is not a bit broken, if you look long, you feel like you are mesmerized by the dance of the card and the hand.

Picture 1 of Just cards, but in this guy's hands, they turn into skilled dancers

Slevin said he first joined magic and only knew cardistry later. According to him, cardistry as a special thing can create visual effects in a different way than magic. It is a form of art, like a dance, that attracts people with movement.