Just thinking of comedies is funny

Picture 1 of Just thinking of comedies is funny When you're bored, you think of watching a comedy comedy. A new study shows that just waiting to see smiles has made us feel much better.

Researchers have divided volunteers into two groups. One group was asked to watch a funny comedy, the other wasn't.

" Blood samples were taken from the experimentalists just before they saw the film containing 27% more beta-endorphins and 87% of growth hormones compared to the blood of the comparison group - the group did not watch any funny movies ", Lee Berk from Loma Linda University said.

The content of substances that cause a sense of euphoria - brings what the researchers call "happy smiles" - continues to increase during the movie, and for the next 12 to 24 hours.

Berk said that in conjunction with previous studies on smiles that have improved xinxing, recent results " seem to bring positive messages, important for preventing illness and reducing stress ".

However, the study is quite small, only over 16 people.

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