Keep your feet warm in winter

Picture 1 of Keep your feet warm in winter One of the parts of the body that is sensitive to cold is the foot. Positive effects on the feet can help prevent many diseases for the whole body and vice versa.

According to the oriental medicine, the foot has many trigeminals, there are pulse circuits and type vessels responsible for regulating yin and yang for the whole body.

Legs at the bottom of the circulatory system, far away from the heart, blood flows upwards, making nutrition for the legs somewhat more difficult than other parts. In the erratic hot and cold conditions of the North, the legs are more vulnerable.

There are several " nutrition " ways for feet such as practicing barefoot ( no clogs, sandals ). Winter, if not familiar, can wear socks. Go to the courtyard to walk twice a day morning and evening, one hour each time.

Practice walking on sand, gravel, stones, so that the acupuncture points are stimulated through a dense system of nerve endings with 62 neuron reflexes to the brain.

If possible, soak your feet daily in the evening and last for about half an hour before going to bed with warm water, add as much aromatic leaves as possible, then gradually reduce the temperature. Or alternating hot and cold in two separate water pots.

They said, " After eating three hundred steps - First sleep with a foot bath ". Combined with psychophysiological, calm, relaxed, foot bath therapy is more effective.

Of course, if it's a child, just wash your feet fast. For patients with acute infection, hemorrhage, feet should not be soaked. " Old man with old legs ", with that concept, oriental medicine offers effective anti-aging principles from the legs.

If possible, health checks can be done at least once a month through the soles of the feet. Proverbs a cigarette worm and let the fire head Dung Tuyen grave 0.5-1 cm. After 10-30 seconds, if you feel hot in your legs, your health is normal. The more time it takes for the foot feeling to warm up, the more likely it is that the internal organs are depressed or seriously ill.