7 ways to keep your body healthy

Eat well, wear layers of clothes, don't shudder, don't drink alcohol . are ways you can take to keep warm when winter comes back.

For comfort in cold weather, you need to know how to keep warm based on understanding the scientific basis of heat transfer. Loren Greenway, Director of Wilderness Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah (USA), said that keeping warm must understand two important principles: thermal conductivity and thermal convection.

Thermal conductivity is the transfer of heat between two hard surfaces that have direct contact with each other, such as when you stand on a frozen road.

Heat convection is the transfer of heat between a block (such as your body) and a solution or moving gas, such as a cold wind whipping every fiber of your body. Understanding these two mechanisms, you will know how to effectively regulate your body temperature, keep it warm and safe in the harsh weather of winter.

Here's what you need to keep in mind:

Wear many layers

You lose heat through heat transfer whenever your body comes in direct contact with something cold, like sitting on a cold, cold background. Wind also makes you lose heat in this way. But it can keep the body from losing heat from these two factors by wearing layers of clothing.

Basic layer - long and thick underwear, wool socks - helps you to avoid heat loss from heat conduction. The outer layer should wear wind-proof and water-proof but still breathable, to protect you from heat loss through air and water."Everything that can be put on you to cover your body will help you not be affected by the cold," Dr. Greenway said.

Picture 1 of 7 ways to keep your body healthy
Artwork: Richmondaid.org.uk

Don't be shaky

Shivering, true contraction is a warning sign that you are too cold and need to enter a warmer place. When the skin temperature drops, the contraction and shudder help keep your body temperature from lowering. The contraction, contraction and relaxation of muscles will consume energy and generate heat to replace the temperature that the body loses through thermal conductivity or convection. But this also means that when you start shaking, the brain will notify the body that it is time to go to another place to help you feel warmer.

Thus, the contraction will be useful when you have mild heat relief but will not make sense if you reduce too much heat, from the average level onwards. Because the body will stop trembling itself when muscle contraction has no effect in producing heat. That means that when you get colder, the tremor even stops, so the body temperature then decreases faster.

Eat well, drink enough

Picture 2 of 7 ways to keep your body healthy

Eat well - which means consuming more energy than you need to burn - this will help your body cope with the cold better. This is very important, to help blood sugar levels to provide the energy needed to keep warm when it is cold.

Drinking enough water is also important. Your body will tolerate cold better if it is provided with balanced food and water.

Get used to the cold

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You can learn to adapt to cold weather. People who are outdoors and spend a lot of time in contact with the cold are really resistant, reacting actively to cold weather.

According to the researchers, the mechanism of this has not been thoroughly explained yet, but a type of body fat called brown fat can play a decisive role. Unlike the normal white fat in the body - a place to store additional calories, brown fat actually consumes calories and releases energy like heat.

Infants and hibernating mammals have a lot of brown fat. Animal and human studies show that the ability to adapt to cold weather increases the heat production capacity of brown fat. Some studies also show that exposure to the cold actually increases the amount of brown fat in the body.

Maintaining a balanced body weight also helps people to resist the cold. Too thin can be a disadvantage in the winter because your body's fat helps you stay warm.

Always be prepared

Pay attention to the weather forecast and always keep enough food and supplies to cope with the cold (warm blankets, dry clothes, shoes, socks, towels .). According to the US Hydrometeorological Center, 25% of weather-related disasters occur when people are not prepared in advance for severe weather problems.

Know your own risks

Using antihypertensive drugs, drugs for treating prostatitis, drugs for heart failure, vasodilation . can make you more sensitive to cold weather as well as some diseases such as impaired gland activity armor. Age also affects the body's tolerance to cold. Children under 2 years of age have not developed the ability to adjust to increase body temperature and people over 60 years old also reduce their ability to generate heat. Please know these cases to be more carefully prepared.

Do not drink alcohol

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Often people think a hot, strong glass of wine can help you stay warm in the cold weather, but it is not. It is true that warm drinks actually increase body temperature and help you cope with the cold, but alcohol is not among these. Alcohol has absolutely no effect if you drink it in the cold. It will reduce body temperature.

Soak your feet in hot water

There is a symmetrical relationship between the legs and organs in the body, massaging any reflex area at the foot can stimulate blood circulation, balance hormonal secretions, promote health function. with a corresponding part on the body. Soaking feet in hot water is still known as a "benefit in addition to benefits": it helps you recover the natural gas in the winter, relieve the feeling of sunstroke in the summer, help laxative in the fall and warm the muscles in winter. As you know, there are many acupuncture points and blood vessels in the bottom of the feet. Soaking your feet in hot water will help blood circulation, your body be healthy and warm your body in the winter.

Ginger sugar alum sugar

Alum sugar not only increases appetite, but also warms the body. In ginger, it also contains a stimulating factor for the heart and blood vessels, which can speed up blood circulation, increase the feeling of warmth for the body. Caffeine in tea has diuretic effect, red pigment which has a warming effect. Grind a small piece of ginger into a powder, stir in the tea cup. Depending on the taste of each person to increase or decrease the amount of ginger as well as the amount of sugar to suit.

Do exercise

Exercising not only helps you have a good health, has a good physique, but also helps you feel more warm. When exercising, your body will generate heat, helping your body to be warmer.

Picture 5 of 7 ways to keep your body healthy

Walking can be said to be the most natural, simplest movement in the winter. When walking, you have to stride long and hard with your hands. Do not underestimate this simple movement, as it increases the amount of movement many times. Every day you only need to walk for about 20 minutes. Persistently walking fast, long steps, even though it is winter, you can still wear a suit to show off your beautiful legs without fear of cold.

Yoga is also a way to help you keep your body warm: Yoga has many different types of exercises, including winter Yoga, especially for warming people. Every day, spend a little time practicing, you will no longer worry about shivering. According to some experts, yoga is also beneficial for treating gynecological diseases. Yoga should be practiced after eating 2 hours. Before training, you must start the joints and neck thoroughly; After 30 minutes of rest, you can eat and drink.

Good night

Winter should get up early to get up late. Health experts recommend that we sleep at 10 pm, and wake up when the sun has risen, so we can avoid the early cold, reduce the temperature difference. Girls must work late at night trying not to stay up all night. At 1 am, the secretion of adrenal glands on the human body is lowest. At this time, the resistance is particularly weak, unable to maintain the skin. If regular rest is not good, the body will not be able to resist the pressure of the cold from the outside. On extremely cold days, hug a hot pack to go to bed early!


  1. To keep your body warm during the cold winter, you need to keep in mind:
  2. Note to keep warm parts such as neck, ear, nose, hand, leg, back, etc. going out. Wear windbreaker material and mask.
  3. Eat enough nutrients, you also need to avoid overeating at night as this will cause the digestive system to overload and weaken activity.
  4. Foods to avoid: Bread made from white flour, chips, carbonated drinks, curd, cold coffee, cucumber, alcohol, excessive consumption of butter or cold water after meals Eating is something that is not recommended in cold weather.
  5. Don't drink alcohol when going out in the cold to avoid a stroke.
  6. Do not eat cold food, food that has just taken from the refrigerator because it is easy to make the body cold.
  7. Maintaining regular exercise helps warm the body, has better health, prevents disease.
  8. Absolutely not burn charcoal, honeycomb charcoal, leaves in closed rooms for heating, because there have been many cases of coma, brain damage.
  9. Absolutely not take a bath late, take a long bath, or take a bath where there is no wind, .

Reference: Livescience.