Leaked more than a dozen tons of radioactive water in Japan

Tons of radioactive water have been detected leaking into the groundwater system below the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Japan 's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said that about 15 tons of low radioactive water from the reservoir of the nuclear plant leaked from the factory on the coast about 240 km north of Tokyo.

Picture 1 of Leaked more than a dozen tons of radioactive water in Japan
(Artwork: Ottawacitizen)

Meanwhile, Tokyo Electric Company (Tepco) said it is still investigating the cause of the leak which was prevented immediately after its discovery on June 28.

Currently, in the Fukushima nuclear power plant still contains large amounts of radioactive water at many levels in the reservoirs after being used to cool damaged reactors in the tsunami earthquake. March 11.

TEPCO is trying to use a decontamination system to clean radioactive water to reuse it to cool the reactors, but still has some technical problems.