Learn about supernovae and supernovae

As an astronomer, you've probably heard of supernovae and supernovae. So what is a supernova?

As an astronomer, you've probably heard of supernovae and supernovae. So what is a supernova? Let us learn it through the article below.

What is Xinjiang?

New planet (or new star) is a large nuclear explosion that occurs on a white dwarf, causing it to suddenly light up. Neither should be confused with other bright phenomena such as supernovae or supernovae that emit red light (luminous red novae). Supernovae are thought to occur at the surface of a white dwarf in the binary star system. If two stars in the system are close to each other, matter from a companion star may be sucked back by the white dwarf. The phenomenon of supernovae is due to the deposition of hydrogen hydrogen gas over the surface of the white dwarf to a limit of uncontrolled fusion.

What is supernova?

Supernovae, or supernovae , are some types of stellar explosions that make very bright objects primarily composed of plasma that flares up for a short time, apparent star levels that increase dramatically billions of times, then decrease gradually over a few weeks or months. Total escape energy reaches 10 44 J. Absolute star level can reach -20 m .

Picture 1 of Learn about supernovae and supernovae

The nature of supernova phenomenon is the end point of some types of stars of their evolution.

There are two types of explosions.In the first type , giant stars burn out fusion fuel, lose light pressure, and collapse into the center under their own gravity, until high density and pressure cause an explosion. In the second type , white dwarfs draw material from a star flying around it, until Chandrasekhar mass and fusion boom are achieved. In both types, a large amount of star material is pushed into the surrounding space.

The first type of explosion ends a life process of a star, which can result in the star nucleus becoming a white dwarf, neutron star (pulsar, magnetic star, quark star, or quark .) or a custom black hole. Belongs mainly to the star volume. Star shell materials were shot into the interstellar space to become supernova remnants.

The meaning of the name supernova

The name supernova or supernova comes from observation in the history of rare phenomena, when a star suddenly bursts out as if it was born. Based on the luminous intensity they are recorded as a supernova or supernova. However, the nature of supernova phenomenon is the end point of some types of stars of their evolution.

Classification of supernovae

  • Supernovae are classified into two types based on the presence or absence of hydrogen lines on the light graph.
  • Supernova does not contain hydrogen lines in the spectra of the Type I supernova, otherwise it is a Type II supernova.
Update 17 December 2018



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