Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Few people know that inside this tomb area looks so ordinary is a universe of shimmering, virtual blue.

Few people know that inside this tomb area looks so ordinary is a universe of shimmering, virtual blue.

Ancient people have a sentence: they look and look and show themselves, referring to looking at the outside to judge the nature inside. However, sometimes this seemingly true statement has the opposite meaning. There are things that look normal but actually contain so many beauty, deep meaning. And Shah Cheragh Muslim tomb in Shiraz city, Fars province, Iran is an example. Few people suspect that the inside of this old tomb is a beautiful, breathtaking blue universe.

Picture 1 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Looking from the outside, Shah Cheragh's tomb looks very simple if not somewhat poor.

Picture 2 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

But when inside, people are overwhelmed by the perfect architecture here.

Picture 3 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Wrapped around the tomb is a series of blue chandeliers and transparent stone that are meticulously crafted.

Picture 4 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

All create a harmonious whole, attractive and still very sacred.

Picture 5 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Formed in the 9th century, it used to be one of the most magnificent architectural structures in Persia.

Picture 6 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Through many times devastated by nature as well as humans, the tomb still retains its inherent beauty.

Picture 7 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

As the name of Shah Cheragh (translated: King of Light), every small corner in the tomb emanates a magical light, mesmerizing every gaze.

Picture 8 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

In addition, Shah Cheragh is built in the style of a typical Persian dome, adding to the magic light effect.

Picture 9 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Not just a mausoleum, Shah Cheragh also deserves to be considered a true art museum.

Picture 10 of Lost in the mysterious green space of the Muslim tomb

Unfortunately, only Muslim tourists have the opportunity to set up this tomb.

Update 16 December 2018



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