Low pressure is getting stronger

The Central Center for Meteorological and Hydrological Forecasting said that the tropical depression in the East Sea after many hours of non-movement is gradually increasing and moving slowly in the direction of the Northwest.

At 13:00 on August 2, the position of the tropical depression center is about 12.2 to 13.2 degrees north latitude; 113.2 to 114.2 degrees east longitude, on the northern sea of ​​the Spratly Islands. The strongest wind is in the area near the strong center of level 6, level 7 (ie from 39 to 61 km per hour), jerking at level 7.

It is forecasted that in the next 24 hours, the tropical depression will move slowly in the northwest direction, about 5 km per hour and will be able to gradually increase.

Due to the influence of tropical depressions, in the middle and south of the South China Sea, including Truong Sa archipelago, there are strong winds of level 6, level 7, shocking on level 7. Strong sea level. The waters off the provinces from Quang Ngai to Ca Mau have heavy rain and strong winds of level 6, level 7, level 8, level 9, there are places above level 9. Strong sea.

Picture 1 of Low pressure is getting stronger

Map for forecasting the movement of tropical depressions - Photo: Central Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting (Photo: TTO)

* Bac Lieu: There are 105 boats in the sea that have not been contacted yet

In the afternoon of August 2, Bac Lieu convened an emergency meeting to deploy a plan to respond to tropical depressions that are happening offshore the southern region, which affects the waters of Bac Lieu territory.

At present, Bac Lieu has 425 ships, with 2,161 seafarers operating on the sea. Through urgent notice, there were 306 ships safely landed, 119 ships were operating on the sea, including 105 ships, with 1,103 crew members still unable to contact.

Ho Chi Minh City: Rain and strong winds damage 13 houses, 1 person dies

Yesterday, August 2, heavy rain and wind occurred in many areas in Ho Chi Minh City, killing one person and damaging 13 houses (including one completely collapsed), some trees Green is rooted.

On the roads of Pham The Hien, Nguyen Duy, Cay Sung and Binh Dong of wards 2, 3 and 14 (district 8), there were thunderstorms that made 8 houses with roofs.

In Ward 14, Cay Sung house No. 133 / 18B collapsed completely;The head of the household, Mr. Ngo Van Truong (42 years old), was hit by the head, causing injuries, although he was rescued but died at the hospital.People's Committee of Ward 14 has advanced VND 10 million to overcome the consequences.

In Nha Be district, high winds speed the roof of the two level 4 houses in Phu Xuan and Phuoc Kieng communes.In Binh Thuan Ward, Tan Kieng Ward (District 7), the wind causes the roof of 4 houses, 6 rooms and some original trees.

According to the command of the Border Guards, the number of boats when going to sea to register at Border Guards, are checked to be equipped with full radio, locator, life jacket, radio . However, it is likely that the owners of these boats hide the fishing grounds and turn off the radio so they cannot contact.

The province urged functional agencies such as Border Guard Station, Department of Fisheries and local authorities to send officials to directly contact families whose ships are catching offshore, soon contacting the notice to avoid danger areas. Danger, to limit bad situations. However, the current difficulties are very subjective fishermen, many vehicle owners know but still deliberately refused to go ashore.

At present, Bac Lieu waters have moderate rainfall, measured rainfall in the last 2 days from 8.8 mm to 32.0 mm, with wind and accompanied by big waves. It is forecasted that for many hours in this sea area, there is a possibility of heavy rains, accompanied by tornadoes and big waves, especially at the seaports of Ganh Hao and Nha Mat . where many boats anchor. The functional industry recommends that all vehicles not go out to sea at this time.

In order to proactively respond to Tropical Depression No. 3, Bac Lieu province instructed localities in every way to contact all boats quickly to shore to find safe anchorage places; urgently deploy the flood and storm prevention and rescue plan for each unit and commune; inform and propagate to the people to take initiative in preventing local cyclones, to avoid houses, offices, schools .; summon forces ready to rescue; assigning a 24-hour board member to monitor tropical depressions and take timely measures.

* Heavy rain and flash flood damage in Lao Cai

According to the Lao Cai Hydro-meteorological Center, due to the impact of tropical depression, from noon on August 2, the province has seen widespread rain in most districts, the average rainfall from 30mm or more. In some localities in the northeast of the province, such as: Bac Ha, Bao Yen, Bao Thang, Muong Khuong . rainfall is faster and heavier. Floods and flash floods have appeared in some rivers and streams, causing damage to property and crops of the people.

According to the new news received from the remote commune of Xuan Hoa of Bao Yen district, there is a house that has been swept away by the water and 2 other houses in Ban Ho and Ban Kac villages . have been damaged or swept away by the flood a ton of paddy and some property in the house, broken some fish ponds of the people, over 15 hectares of rice in the early season were buried. Total damage is over VND 200 million.

Before the sky was still raining heavily and there were no signs of abruptness, the province instructed localities, in addition to concentrating on rescuing the damaged families, to continue promoting propaganda and checking the work of the room. Avoid flooding, continue to closely monitor weather changes and do well the migration work to limit damage to the lowest level of people and property.

* Many boats of Quang Ngai fishermen are running away from low pressure areas in the East Sea

On the afternoon of August 2, the Quang Ngai Border Guard Command said: on 920 boats with more than 4,700 Quang Ngai fishermen operating in the areas of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa islands running away from the low pressure area in the sea East.

At 9:00 am on August 1, 2007, the marine rescue station of Sam Son Border Guard (Thanh Hoa) received the information of boat QNg 6346 TS of Mr. Nguyen Van Loc in An Vinh and Ly Son communes dying at the island. Tri Ton belongs to Hoang Sa archipelago, there are 15 fishermen on the boat; The boat must float freely at a speed of 2 knots. The rescue station of the Border Guard kept in touch with Mr. Loc's boat and mobilized local fishing boats to rescue. On the afternoon of August 2, the rescue station received news that Mr. Loc's boat had overcome the problem and was running into the mainland, 15 fishermen on the boat were still safe. It is expected that Mr. Loc's boat will visit Ly Son island tonight.

* Ho Chi Minh City: Implementing a plan to ensure safety for people and ships and boats

In the face of complex developments of tropical depressions, Ho Chi Minh City's Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Combat has issued the Official Telegraph No. 1 requesting the Department of Quality Assurance and Protection of Aquatic Resources and the Border Guards Command. Department, City Military Command and Can Gio District People's Committee immediately implemented the plan No. 46 / PA-PCLB on April 12, 2007 of the Board on ensuring safety for people and boats and fishing boats operating on sea.

Accordingly, the units and localities shall immediately inspect and grasp the number and position of ships, boats and crew members on each ship; maintaining information, contacting boats, especially offshore fishing means; to regularly notify coastal masters, ship owners, boat owners and residents of the position and direction of tropical depressions in order to take measures to take initiative in preventing, avoiding and preventing local cyclones; units and localities organize 24-hour duty-free meetings to closely monitor developments and directions of tropical depressions, maintain permanent forces and means to search and rescue and implement preventive measures , ready to participate in rescue and handling situations.