Manuka honey can control MRSA virus

Manuka flower honey in the country of kangaroo contains special ingredients that can inhibit MRSA virus. Scientists expect further research on manuka will help create effective remedies for MRSA infections.

Manaku honey is a kind of dark bile and has a bitter taste. Manuka molasses can prevent bacterial infections, even from extremely dangerous strains like MRSA. Currently, scientists are somewhat aware of the antiviral mechanism of this type of bile.

Picture 1 of Manuka honey can control MRSA virus

Manuka flowers give a bitter taste.

Manuka honey is produced by honey bees from manuka nectar, a naturally occurring plant in Australia and New Zealand. Researchers already know that manuka bile has antimicrobial properties but the mechanism of this characteristic remains a mystery.

Mysterious differences

Rowena Jenkins, a member of the research team, said manuka bile has an unspecified minor component that other types of bile do not have, which create antibacterial or interact with other ingredients that ability.

In a new experiment, Jenkins and his colleagues developed three lab samples of MRSA virus, one sample with manuka bile, one sample with concentrated sugar water and a sample for normal growth. .

Testing MRSA with solid sugar water to check if high sugar levels in honey are the main cause of bacterial suppression. In general, many types of bacteria cannot grow in environments with high sugar levels because sugar absorbs the amount of water the bacteria need to survive.

Picture 2 of Manuka honey can control MRSA virus

Picture 3 of Manuka honey can control MRSA virus

MRSA virus and the inability to treat staph infection.

However, Jenkins and his colleagues found that under the effect of manuka bile, MRSA bacteria lacked the protein needed to synthesize fatty acids to build cell walls and internal structures. Because of this lack of protein, MRSA cannot complete their life cycle so they cannot replicate or even die.

Meanwhile, experiments with solid sugar water do not give similar results; so researchers think that the unknown component is making bacteria unable to function.

Not yet a pharmaceutical product

Researchers say further research on the mysterious component of manuka bile will help find new treatments for drug-resistant bacteria. However, researchers still resist the treatment of infected wounds with manuka bile sold on the market.

Picture 4 of Manuka honey can control MRSA virus

Manuka Secret (Photo:

Unlike pharmaceutical honey, honey is sold in unpasteurized stores and can contain bacteria and germs that make wounds worse.

Hungry MRSA

The American Medical Association said that between 2005 and 2007, there were at least 94,360 cases of MRSA and 18,650 deaths.Cases of similar infections are constantly increasing every year.

MRSA is mainly spread through direct contact and development of staph infection.The first symptoms are similar to pimples on the skin, then infecting the blood and attacking organs inside the body.MRSA is easily fatal when most antibiotics currently do not work .

The death rate for young people is only about 1 / 600,000, but MRSA is especially dangerous for the elderly due to their weak immunity.77% of known deaths due to MRSA are people older than 65 years.