Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest

Many rare animals such as Truong Son muntjac, pig badger, white pheasant. suddenly reappeared in Bach Ma forest, Thua Thien Hue .

On March 20, Mr. Nguyen Vu Linh, director of Bach Ma National Park, said that forest officials were lucky enough to recently encounter a badger in the forest area managed by the park.

Picture 1 of Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest
The rare badger species was recently seen again in Bach Ma forest - (Photo: VU LINH).

Accordingly, the badger pig that forest staff encountered was quite large and was walking leisurely on a forest ranger patrol route looking for food. It did not panic but slowly approached quite close to the staff of Bach Ma National Park.

This employee used the phone to record the badger and notify the garden's staff.

Mr. Linh said that after watching the clip, everyone in Bach Ma National Park was happy.

"In decades of working in the garden, this is the first time I have seen the rare badger species in real life. Needless to say, we were happy when we thought there were no more animals left in the forest ," Mr. Linh said. .

According to Mr. Linh, the appearance of badgers in Bach Ma forest proves that the biodiversity of the forest here is gradually recovering.

Not only badgers, the frequency of rare animals appearing in front of camera traps and tourists' lenses has increased. The interesting thing is that most of these animals seem friendly and do not run away when they see people like before.

Picture 2 of Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest
The rare Truong Son muntjac species was photographed by a camera trap in Bach Ma forest at the end of 2023 - (Photo: BACH MA GARDEN).

Recently, a group of tourists took a photo of a flock of white pheasants looking for food in Bach Ma forest. Another group of visitors took photos of the Truong Son mantis - an extremely endangered species in the Red Book.

"The fact that tourists come across rare animals while visiting Bach Ma forest and are lucky enough to take photos of them is a very unforgettable memory for them ," Mr. Linh said.

According to Mr. Linh, in the coming time, the forces of Bach Ma National Park will continue to strengthen patrols and prevent hunting of wild animals.

The badger is the only living mammal in the genus Arctonyx of the weasel family, living on land, concentrated in Central and Southeast Asia. They have medium-length brown fur, a stocky body, a white throat, two black stripes on an elongated white face, and a pink snout like a pig's.

This species mainly eats fruit and small animals and is quite gentle. The International Union for Conservation of Nature classified this species as threatened with extinction on the IUCN Red List in 2008 due to overhunting.

Some rare animals have recently been seen again in Bach Ma forest:

Picture 3 of Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest
A tourist visiting Bach Ma forest was lucky enough to take a photo of two rare Truong Son monkeys looking for food - (Photo: V.LINH).

Picture 4 of Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest
A rare white pheasant looking for food on Bach Ma peak - (Photo: V.LINH).

Picture 5 of Many rare animal species reappear in Bach Ma forest
A herd of rare red-shanked douc langurs was photographed by tourists - (Photo: V.LINH).