Many strong vortices hit the US simultaneously

Some tornadoes have swept into the south of the United States in the past few days may be the biggest and most powerful whirlwinds ever recorded by the scientific community.

Picture 1 of Many strong vortices hit the US simultaneously
A car turned upside down because of a storm in the city of Electic, Alabama on April 28. Photo: AP.

' They are the strongest storms that meteorologists work in. If you are attacked by one of those storms, you can only survive if you hide in a solid room, the house is designed to avoid storms or underground tunnels , ' AP quoted the weatherer Greg Carbin of the Projecting Agency. American national weather newspaper .

Much of the cyclone has a weak destructive power so the average-strength houses can stand firm when they attack. A normal tornado only moves on the ground a few kilometers before it dissolves and is about a few hundred meters wide. While Harold Brooks, a weather forecaster for the Hurricane Center , said the series in the United States on April 28 had at least twice the speed of a normal cyclone.

' It is possible that the width of some tornadoes reaches nearly one kilometer. They move tens of kilometers on the ground and reach speeds of more than 320 km / h. Perhaps two cities, Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, are in the state of Alabama, devastated by a massive tornado , "Brooks said.

Only about 1% of tornadoes in the world are classified as the strongest group. Brook identified many tornadoes in the state of Alabama and the other six states in April 28 in this group.

Jerry Brotzge, a researcher at the University of Oklahoma's Center for Storm Analysis and Forecasting , said tornadoes occur every year in the United States. Many weather conditions at this time of the year are very favorable for the formation of strong tornadoes.

Chris Weiss, a tornado expert at Texas Tech University, said the storm created tornadoes that began to form in Mississippi. This storm moved nearly 500 km before dissipating.