Migraine and migraine treatment solutions

Chronic migraine disease is uncomfortable and reduces the quality of life of patients. So what is migraine, what is the cause and treatment of migraine?

The type of migraine often causes a strong sense of vibration in the brain, which is common on one side but sometimes on both sides of the head. People with this type of headache often experience nausea, vomiting or not and are quite sensitive to strong light and noise . The cause of migraine is swelling of the blood vessels and nerve cells around the brain.

Treatment: Most people with this type of migraine often want to find a quiet and dark place to lie down .

With acute pain, taking Ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen can work. However, most people have to use special medicines.

There are also other drugs that can prevent migraines such as antidepressants, antidepressants and blood pressure medications.

In addition, it is also advisable to have a heart exam to treat root disease if it is relevant.

Learn more about migraine

Migraine is very uncomfortable, often accompanied by nausea and relapse. The warning signs before migraine attacks such as fast pulse, dizziness, . TS-BS Phuong Thao (Neurology Department - Gia Dinh ND Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City) will help readers understand more about this disease.

Picture 1 of Migraine and migraine treatment solutions
Migraine is more common in women than men.

Migraine is common in women

Migraine is a special case of chronic headaches , now called the Migraine headache in the world as well as in our country. The mechanism of disease is classified as headaches due to cerebrovascular causes. As there is an abnormal contraction of the cerebrovascular system on one side.

Migraine is more common in women than men, especially women in public offices at a rate of 2/1. There are marked differences in the mechanism of disease between men and women. Migraine is common in women under 45 years old, rarely in old age and in children. Currently there are no accurate statistics on the incidence of this disease in the world.

However, the study of American neurologists showed that about 15 - 20 women under 45 often have one person, accounting for 5 - 6.7%. In Vietnam, there is no exact data. However, through clinical practice, this is also a common disease in neuropathy in Asian countries as well as in Vietnam.
Migraine manifestations usually occur in episodes with the nature: Migraine lasts from 4 to 72 hours, can turn side by side (not fixed on any side), phenomenon of strong pulse in temporal region. The pain may be moderate or severe depending on the patient and pain increases with exertion and symptoms of nausea or vomiting, photophobia, and noise.

This is a typical case of migraine. In addition, there is also some pain unlike anyone: Migraine accompanied by loss of consciousness, facial paralysis, hemiplegia like symptoms of stroke, visual disturbance. This is a disease related to a family history. But scientists have yet to find out what genetic factors are associated with this disease.


Migraine is a disease that is not life-threatening except in special cases such as neurological complications . However, long-lasting migraine attacks greatly affect the work efficiency and quality of life.

Picture 2 of Migraine and migraine treatment solutions
Migraine is a special case of chronic headache.

Timely detection and treatment is necessary because it can limit uncomfortable, anxiety and panic attacks. One thing to note when treating migraine is to eliminate the symptoms of pain in the jaw area such as: Migraine pain, (neuralgia 5), ​​tooth decay, and other diseases of maxillofacial.

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat such as otitis media, osteoarthritis, and some headaches are very dangerous, such as: brain tumors, cerebrovascular malformations . These types of pain often persist and not bout like migraine.

The treatment of this disease is divided into 2 main steps: Treatment of pain when having pain , often using Tartrate rgotamine, taken as a pill or in the form of injections and needs to be used at an early stage to work well.

However, do not overdose because the drug may lead to necrosis of the limb, not for women who are pregnant or menstruating, as well as severe infections. It is mandatory to consult a neurologist before using. Treatment should be indicated when the frequency of pain is severe, at least 3 episodes per month. The treatment duration is at least 2 - 3 months even when there is no pain to avoid recurrence.

Prevention of migraine disease

People with migraine should avoid using stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee . avoid staying up all night and mental stress in life. Regular exercise can also reduce symptoms. Normal diet does not affect this disease. So no need to abstain from regular foods.

Do not treat yourself without the doctor's prescription. However, when the pain is so severe that it is not timely to go for examination, it is possible to use temporary groups of common analgesics such as: Alaxan, Miloxicam . to temporarily reduce pain and pay attention to the side effects caused by drugs out.

Treatment of migraine disease

For the treatment of migraine can be used: ergotamine, sumatriptan and rizatriptan. In addition, preventive medicines can be used to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Analgesics commonly used at the beginning of pain include: aspirin, acetaminophen.

Treatment solution for migraine

Picture 3 of Migraine and migraine treatment solutions
People with migraine should avoid using stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes, coffee.

Migraine (also called migraine) is classified as one of the special diseases, accounting for about 10% of the population, in which female patients are 3 times more than male patients; Young people get more. The pain often comes slowly, but every time a heavier, more severe continuity from one episode to another makes the patient feel like he wants to explode. The attack lasts 2-4 hours, but the individual may last for a few days, localized in the first half, and twitching with a pulse. Along with the pain is the feeling of nausea, vomiting, fear of noise and light . These are feelings that can never be forgotten for those who have suffered from migraine headaches.

Symptoms of migraine

Depending on the location, the level and duration of pain of each person are different, but in general, migraine has typical symptoms: severe pain in one or both sides of the head, stiff neck, and sensitivity to sound and light, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and irritability, increased frequency of urination and diarrhea. Some cases of severe pain also hallucinate like seeing zigzag lines and light.

Causes of migraine: When blood flow to the brain is less natural, the brain responds to this lack of oxygen by causing pain. In addition to the lack of oxygen, the consequences of the above anemia cause some other blood vessels to expand and become inflamed, causing headaches. Although there have been countless studies, medicine so far has not found the exact cause of the disease. It has only been determined that, in addition to causes of poor blood flow to the brain, migraine can also be caused by: abnormal genes in the brain that transmit an abnormal signal; stress; hormonal changes in menstruation, maturity, pregnancy and menopause in women; weather changes or elevation; erratic sleep (too much or too little), interruption of regular sleep; the smell is too strong, the lamp is too bright or the noise is too high; Because alcohol and certain substances in food . cause blood vessels to contract and relax (due to increased serotonin chemical mediators or calcium ion buildup in nerve cells) causing headaches.

Harmful effects of migraine

People with migraine suffer not only from pain, but for a long time, the disease also leads to other harmful health consequences, such as:

Depression: Because it is a disease related to the nervous system, it is a long time for migraine patients to be depressed or irritable. Patients with insomnia, uncontrolled eating; to your menstrual period… it is easier to see the change in personality

Stroke risk : The risk of stroke in people with migraine is 2.16 times higher than those who don't. In particular, women with migraine who use birth control pills have an 8-fold increased risk compared to those who do not take the drug.

Visual effects: Migraines greatly affect the vision. This is evident in middle age. Due to abnormal problems in transporting blood to the brain, the eyes of people with migraine are more likely to suffer from retinal degeneration, resulting in vision loss and even permanent blindness.

Picture 4 of Migraine and migraine treatment solutions
Current treatment of migraine is only at symptomatic treatment.

Easy to diarrhea: Pain affects the senses, so most migraine patients are sensitive to noise, light or some smells. That explains why many people suffer from nausea, vomiting, or sometimes diarrhea .

How to treat migraine?

Since the exact cause of the disease has not been found yet, the current treatment is only at symptomatic treatment. This means that the patient is given the drug for two purposes: treatment and prevention of pain . For mild or moderate pain, rapid pain stops . patients only need regular non-steroidal analgesics such as aspirin, aidometacin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, paracetamol . In severe, severe pain , episodes persist . patients will be prescribed medications with antipyretic, analgesic, and branching properties in the external carotid artery such as naproxen, gynergen.

Since the exact cause of the disease has not been found yet, the current treatment is only at symptomatic treatment. This means that the patient is given the drug for two purposes: treatment and prevention of pain. For mild or moderate pain, rapid pain stops . patients only need regular non-steroidal analgesics such as aspirin, aidometacin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, diclofenac, paracetamol . In severe, intense pain, prolonged bouts . patients will be prescribed medications with antipyretic, analgesic, and branching effects in external carotid arteries such as naproxen, gynergen.

For women, hormone therapy can help relieve migraines associated with their menstrual cycle.
In addition to taking drugs, people with migraines need to pay close attention to diet and living.

Regarding diet, special patients must abstain from foods with stimulants such as alcohol, beer, tea, coffee, cigarettes, carbonated drinks, chocolate, cheese, sausages, ham, and noodles , citrus fruit . Eat plenty of magnesium rich foods such as fish, legumes, dark green vegetables , as this food can help reduce the frequency of pain. Do not eat too much and too fast; Never give up breakfast, because otherwise it will get worse. Each meal should eat a moderate amount of food and eat many meals (3 - 4 hours at a time).