Study the causes of migraines and find medicines to treat this disease

International Headache Genetics Consortium (IHGC) researchers are investigating the cause of migraine to find a cure for the disease . Migraine is the third most common disease in the world when 1 in 7 people suffers from it. Migraine severely affects the lives of patients, mildly, the person has a headache on the side of the head, head aches and pains, dizziness, nausea, worse, becomes "sensitive" to the light and the noise, just seeing the glare and the loud noise, could not bear in the person.

There are many causes of migraines , which can be hereditary, when people are stressed, there are people who suffer from food allergies, sleep deprivation, hormonal changes, sometimes a person drinks less. Water also suffers from migraine. Because of the many causes, migraine treatment is complex and difficult to find the most effective way. Recently, the judgment of IHGC scientists is that the cause of migraine is caused by the circulation of blood to the brain , whereby the circuits that carry blood to the brain when blocked will cause this disease. .

Picture 1 of Study the causes of migraines and find medicines to treat this disease
According to IHGC scientists, the cause of migraine is the circulation of blood to the brain.

The IHGC study was published in Nature Genetics, which is thought to end the debate among scientists about the cause of migraine, when one party thinks it is due to the nervous system, and the other one gives is due to brain blood vessels. Accordingly, the scientific team is currently doing research on 316,078 people from 12 different countries, including 59,674 people with migraine. All of these volunteers participated in the previous research program of IHGC and were genetically stored or DNA.

The team said they identified 38 genes involved in causing migraine, of which 28 have never been linked to causing the disease. These genes, coincidentally, are closely related to causing vascular diseases, blood pressure in humans, so they believe that vascular disease will also cause pain. first half.

However, the sampling is very complicated, laborious and time consuming, the effect can only be seen when the number of samples is very large. Meanwhile, migraine is very difficult to cure, symptoms are very much and headache medicine works for this person but is ineffective for other patients. Scientists say that after determining the cause, they will begin to study the preparation of a drug specific to the disease.

Picture 2 of Study the causes of migraines and find medicines to treat this disease
Migraine disease is very difficult to cure, symptoms are many.

John-Anker Zwart, a scientist with the IHGC, said: "These gene findings are the first step in specifying treatments for this complex disease. We hope in the future, studies. It is possible to divide patients into different groups of genetic sensitivities to apply different clinical trials, thereby increasing the probability of successful therapy for each group.

Some previous studies have suggested that migraine is caused by ion channels and the central nervous system, which scientists believe has not yet identified the underlying cause of this disease because it has not collected enough Brain tissue samples needed for research. This thesis is still protected so scientists around the world still follow this hypothesis to study migraine disease.

The authors of the IHGC study said their findings (about brain blood vessels involved in the cause of migraine) are achieved by the fact that data on research studies are widely shared scientific community. In the short term, more studies will need to be done to further determine the role of the genes involved in migraine-related problems, thereby finding a cure for the disease.

10 ways to prevent the risk of migraine.