Minor things that change people's perception

Money, stress, color ... are also one of the factors that change people's psychology and awareness.

Money, stress, color . are also one of the factors that change people's psychology and awareness.

Have you ever felt that time seemed to be longer, or the same dish, but that chef sometimes found them delicious? This is completely explained by science and surprisingly, the smallest things can change your psychology, your awareness of the world around you.

1. Red changes the perception of time

Making time drift slower than those thought only on movies, but scientists have discovered that this can be realized thanks to red - one of the three most basic colors.

Picture 1 of Minor things that change people's perception

A team of scientists in London conducted a trial with a large number of visitors to the London Science Museum. Accordingly, visitors will be immersed in different light colors, then asked about the time they experience this experiment. The results showed that the group of people with red light felt the time last longer, specifically longer than 11s / minute.

Researchers said that red increases people's awareness of the surrounding environment. This makes the brain always filled with information in the most detailed way, making time seem to slow down. Of course time doesn't really change and you can't make time slow to dodge bullets like Neo in the Matrix movie.

2. Music changes the perception of food

Scientists in Illinois, USA have conducted a study of the relationship between music and cuisine. They divided a fast food restaurant into two areas: one with light, romantic music and low light; the remaining area remains the same; Then proceed to observe the client's eating habits.

Picture 2 of Minor things that change people's perception

The results showed that the group of people sitting in the 'romantic' area ate less, slowed down and said they felt good meals. While the 'normal' group doesn't feel anything special and eat their rations quickly.

Thereby, scientists say, music can stimulate both neurons in the brain, especially taste, making meals different. This also explains why there are times when you feel less appetite, though still the same restaurant, recipe and chef.

3. Stress changes the sense of charm

Each person's standard of charm is different and it seems that this standard is difficult to change. Recently, however, scientists have discovered that each person's standards will decrease with the level of stress received.

In 2012, the Newcastle University researchers made a somewhat "cruel" experiment. They gathered 81 male volunteers and made 40 of them extremely stressful, to the point of almost exploding, then gave them an assessment of the charm from 10 pictures of women according to the weight gain. gradually. The results show that the group with severe stress tends to prefer women with 'oversized' weight.

Picture 3 of Minor things that change people's perception

Meanwhile, the remaining volunteers will assess the seduction level of these 10 photos of women without experiencing any stress. The result is exactly the opposite of the other group.

Scientists conclude, this is what remains from the evolution process, because when they are pressured, scarce, they will always come to bigger things. Another study found similar results when hungry men preferred women with large breasts, rounder looks than when they were full.

4. Thinking about money has a bad effect

Money can make people blind and do bad things. However, according to a recent study, even thinking about money has a negative effect on people's morality.

A team of researchers from Harvard and the University of Utah, USA conducted large-scale experiments on business-based guessing games. A group of volunteers comes into contact with the crossword related to 'money', the other group is 'neutral' words about business. After that, they were given a quiz about business decisions with 'moral' elements in them.

Picture 4 of Minor things that change people's perception

As a result, the group is constantly exposed to 'money' related words such as 'spending', 'cost', 'buying and selling' ready to put moral factors aside and make decisions. intending to deceive customers, even if it does not bring any benefit.

This shows that it seems that thoughts of money have inadvertently caused people to commit acts that are contrary to morality, such as lying, or even abetting terrorism.

5. Drinking coffee makes life more beautiful

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), an average of 3,000 people committed suicide a day worldwide. There are many reasons why a person makes such a foolish decision: feeling a life of impasse does not escape, life is dark, suffering from neurological diseases . But according to researchers at Harvard University People can change their negative feelings about the world with a hot cup of coffee.

Picture 5 of Minor things that change people's perception

Experts conducted a giant-scale study of 200,000 people, conducted in 20 years. Scientists monitor and evaluate suicide rates between coffee drinkers and non-drinkers. The results showed that those who drank at least one cup of coffee a day reduced their risk of suicide by nearly 50%.

According to researchers, this is directly related to caffeine - a very common substance in coffee. Caffeine has acted like an antidepressant, stimulating the brain to produce many neurotransmitters that make people more excited.

However, drinking too much coffee will be counterproductive. Another study showed that if you drink more than 8 cups of coffee a day, it increases the risk of suicide or self-injury. Scientists recommend that only 1 - 4 cups of coffee should be taken every day, because after all, this kind of magic drug only works in a certain level.

Update 18 December 2018



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