MIT development 'bacteria on the chip' has the ability to detect stomach bleeding

Researchers at MIT have developed a digestive sensor, made of genetically modified bacteria.

Researchers at MIT have developed a digestive sensor, made of genetically modified bacteria. This bacterium is designed to diagnose gastric bleeding or gastrointestinal problems. This "chip microbe" combines a sensor made up of living cells with extremely low power electronic components.

According to SlashGear, electronic components can turn bacterial reactions into wireless signals that can be read by smartphones. This sensor is designed to respond to a component of blood called "heme" , and it has been shown that this sensor works on pigs. Sensors are also designed to detect a molecule that is a sign of inflammation.

Picture 1 of MIT development 'bacteria on the chip' has the ability to detect stomach bleeding

This sensor is designed to respond to a component of blood called "heme".

In the last decade, synthetic biologists have taken great strides in transforming bacteria so they can respond to stimuli such as environmental pollution or disease. Bacteria can produce signs like glow when a stimulating target is detected. Typically, special laboratory equipment will be needed to measure this reaction. The MIT team has developed a chip that turns bacterial reactions into wireless signals.

The use is quite simple: just put the bacterial cells in a device to store them, then swallow this device into the abdomen so that it passes through the stomach and digestive system. In the tests, scientists focused on finding bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. A E. coli probiotic strain was modified to glow when it met "heme".

Picture 2 of MIT development 'bacteria on the chip' has the ability to detect stomach bleeding

The MIT team has developed a chip that turns bacterial reactions into wireless signals.

Bacteria are placed in four circular holes on the sensor and covered with a semi-permeable membrane that allows small molecules from the medium to diffuse. Under each round hole is a photovoltaic semiconductor that can measure the amount of light produced by bacteria and send them to a nearby smartphone or computer via a wireless connection. This cylindrical sensor is about 3.8cm long and requires a 13 microwatts power supply. This power supply is provided by a 2.7V battery with up to 1 and a half months of operation.

Update 12 December 2018



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