Mobile can affect children

If the mother used her cell phone frequently during pregnancy, the babies born may have a behavioral disorder, a recent study in Denmark indicates.

'Although it is not possible to clarify the cause, it is clear that the things mentioned in this study are remarkable' , TS. Leeka Kheifets, working at UCLA School of Public Health, said, 'The greatness of mobile technology will continue to be the gravitational force, creating ever-increasing demand. And that is why we need to understand its harmful effects so that we can reduce the potential risks'.

Ms. Kheifets and her colleagues followed 13,159 children whose mothers had participated in a national study during pregnancy. When these children are 7 years old, mothers will answer 1 questionnaire about issues related to health and behavior of the child as well as how the mother used the mobile phone during the period. Do pregnant and children use mobile phones?

Picture 1 of Mobile can affect children After gathering and rearranging the criteria that may affect what researchers are aiming for, such as mental problems and socio-economic factors, they find: Children whose mothers use cell phones both before and after birth have up to 80% more or less unusual in emotions, personality, hyperactivity or problems with their peers.

The risks are higher in children whose mothers use multiple mobile phones before birth, compared to babies whose mothers use the phone after birth. However, both of these groups of children have a lower risk than children whose mothers use many phones both before and after birth.

Ms. Kheifets and students also noted that radio waves affect the fetus regularly when the mother carries the phone in her body and rarely uses the phone. Another notable finding is that early adopters use more energy because their ears and brain are smaller than adults. However, the fact is that only 30% of children are using mobile phones and only 1% of them use mobile phones more than 1 hour / week.