Scientists say, the older you are, the more likely a man will be born with less intelligent children.

The boy named Ben at He knew how to read when he was 2 and half years later, he was able to make additions and distinguish hundreds of thousands of numbers.

A group of scientists have found the answer to the question of how the social position is succeeded in the population of the most complex social mammals - the spotted hyena.

Children in a car without a seatbelt or a mis-seated chair are often seriously injured or even die if an accident occurs.

Under the cold

3-year-old earns 1,000 euros a song, 2 years old can open his own gallery, 15 years old to get a doctor's degree in Physics ... who can do more than them?

Scientists at the Royal College of London, UK, have published a report on how to reverse leukemia caused by the MLL gene.

If the mother used her cell phone frequently during pregnancy, the babies born may have a behavioral disorder, a recent study in Denmark indicates.

A team of researchers said that the wall in the coronary arteries in the human body for the first time is shown in 3-D images.