Mysterious tribe in Africa - where people eat mosquitoes and are completely dumb

Because of the remote geographical conditions, this tribe is separate from the human world, so they cannot communicate, read and write, but can only signal to understand what the other person wants to imply.

Because of the remote geographical conditions, this tribe is separate from the human world, so they cannot communicate, read and write, but can only signal to understand what the other person wants to imply.

In Africa, there are still many places that are very backward, resources are not properly exploited, leading to underdeveloped economies in some areas. Although living in the 21st century, many primitive tribes still live. One of them is the tribe of the Comanga people. The most striking thing about this tribe is that people live without verbal communication and eat mosquitoes to survive.

Picture 1 of Mysterious tribe in Africa - where people eat mosquitoes and are completely dumb

The people of this tribe can only communicate with each other through gestures and signs.

Because living conditions in a place are so remote and dangerous that no company comes here to exploit resources. Therefore, the Comanga people lived as isolated as primitive people. Every day, they will go to the forest to hunt, gather and perhaps live completely separate from the human world, so the natives here cannot speak or write. This tribe can only communicate with each other through gestures and signs, so only the locals can understand.

Investigations have shown that it is possible that a genetic mutation causes the Comanga's vocal cords to degenerate and contract. Because of that, they will basically be unable to talk, so it is also known as the "dumb tribe".

Besides, their eating habits are also very special. Because they live in the deep forest, hunting is also difficult, so they are forced to find another source of additional food. So, they started eating mosquitoes, scorpions, and slugs in the forest to fight hunger. Although these foods may sound horrible, the locals are excited and delighted.

Picture 2 of Mysterious tribe in Africa - where people eat mosquitoes and are completely dumb

The Comanga people eat mosquitoes, scorpions, and slugs in the forest to fight hunger.

Today, the number of Comanga people is less and less, formerly the population of this tribe was about a few hundred thousand people, but now it is only 30,000 - 40,000 people. Although the governments in some nearby countries accept them to immigrate, most people refuse because they cannot adapt to modern life. They feel that only the mountains are the best place to live, since they cannot talk, they will inevitably be discriminated against when entering modern life. Therefore, it would be better for them to choose to live in the deep forest as before.

Update 05 January 2022



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