NASA has just taken a monstrous photo that looks like a fake about Mars

NASA has always provided us with impressive images of many planets in the Solar System, such as Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.

NASA has always provided us with impressive images of many planets in the Solar System, such as Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.

NASA photos sometimes look frighteningly real, but looking at a few of us will probably assume that it is "fake goods", the result of computer graphics in a conspicuous way, copper the time of making up controversial conspiracy theories.

Recently, NASA continues to publish such a photo, this time about and you will probably want to look a little bit more.

Picture 1 of NASA has just taken a monstrous photo that looks like a fake about Mars

The image was taken by the Mars probe of Mars when it was flying around the planet.

The image you are seeing above is captured by Mars Mars Satellite when it is flying around this planet. According to NASA, this is one of many photos taken to help scientists track the change . However, after seeing this strange picture, they decided to share it with everyone. Original images with super high resolution are stored at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory website, with amazing detail, can be viewed here.

What do you see in the photo? It is the rough, crunchy, cracked surface of Mars that looks like overlapping tiles, with sand dunes pouring on it. A great image, and NASA also knows how geological tectonics on Mars can lead to the same results.

"What sets the other rocks into such neat blocks? In the Arctic of the Earth, the rocks can be arranged into shapes through a process called " bulging " - NASA explain - "When the bulge occurs, the ground is constantly frozen and then thawed again, causing the rocks to be exposed on the surface and folded into stone, stone strips, or even On the ground, such a temperature cycle lasts about 1 year, but on Mars, it may be related to changing the planet's orbit around the Sun, so it will much longer ".

NASA now has a large number of exploration vehicles on the Red Planet, along with other scientific tools such as Mars Mars that is flying on this planet orbit; However, we still have a lot of unknown things about that close neighbor. As far as we know, Mars has no life, but everything may have been very different in the past. The upcoming 2020 Mars mission will learn more about this planetary structure, and there will certainly be more secrets to be revealed.

Update 18 December 2018



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