NASA made contact with Lunokhod 1 of the Soviet Union

The Soviet Lunar exploration vehicle, Lunokhod 1 was discovered by NASA and most surprising, the agency could "talk" to it, after 40 years of silence.

On November 17, 1970, the Soviet Luna 17 spacecraft "sent" Lunokhod 1 pedestrian vehicles to the surface of the Moon. 11 months later, under the control of a group of technicians in Moscow, Lunokhod discovered 12 km on the surface of the Moon, sending much data to Earth. This is considered to be one of the biggest successes of the Soviet Moon exploration program. However, after that, Lunokhod 1 suddenly disappeared. He was not "kidnapped" or had an accident but just stopped transmitting information.

Picture 1 of NASA made contact with Lunokhod 1 of the Soviet Union

Lunokhod 1 Lunar exploration machine 40 years ago, was the pride of Soviet space technology.

NASA tried to locate Lunokhod 1. It was not until early 2010 that the exact coordinates were determined. Surprisingly, this pedestrian vehicle caught NASA's signal and sent a feedback signal to the observatory in a clear and sharp way.

After Lunokhod 1 was put on the Moon, Lunokhod 2 also followed in 1973. This second probe still regularly sends data to research on Earth. Compared to juniors, Lunokhod 1 sends stronger signals.

'The best signal we received from Lunokhod 2 for 7 years was 750 photons but we received 2,000 photons from Lunokhod 1 after contacting the probe again. It seems Lunokhod 1 has a lot to say after 40 years of silence, "said Tom Murphy, the lead researcher.

Lunokhod 1's case will be researched by NASA to increase the effectiveness of the probe. Typically, active probes weaken after about 10 years are put on the Moon.

Source: Gizmag