NASA tests an underwater laboratory

A group of researchers saved about eight days in a nearly 20-meter deep sea laboratory at NASA Agency off Florida state.

This mission, named NEEMO 13, aims to recreate the conditions that the space travel team has gone through in missions to launch manned spacecraft to the Moon, Mars or International Space Station (ISS). .

Scientists have undergone harsh conditions such as isolation, working and living in groups, working in outer space and without outside support. Out-of-laboratory missions were also carried out to simulate Moon walks. The collection of specimens and the installation of a telecommunications tower were also carried out during this time.

Through this test, NASA hopes to learn more about the consequences that manned flights can leave for a small group of travelers.

Some pictures in the mission (Photo:

Picture 1 of NASA tests an underwater laboratory

Picture 2 of NASA tests an underwater laboratory

Picture 3 of NASA tests an underwater laboratory

Picture 4 of NASA tests an underwater laboratory

Picture 5 of NASA tests an underwater laboratory
