The device " teeth grinding " is installed a microelectrode plate that can be linked to the human body. When sleeping at night, the patient needs to apply the microelectrode plate to the temporal position.
When patients start grinding their teeth, the microelectrode plate will respond to the device " dental grinding support ," this device will produce pulse and nerve stimulation of patients through microelectrode plate, through It helps patients stop grinding their teeth. Pulse pulse produced from microelectrode plate is very small and does not hurt the patient.
In addition, the device " teeth grinding " can collect data related to the patient's medical condition to provide information to doctors.
The price of each device is about 7,000 kronor (more than 1,300 USD), everyday users have to replace the microelectrode plate, the price is about 10 kronor (nearly 1.9 USD) at a time.