There are many cases after a few hours of rest, people have solved problems that are hard to think forever. Quite a few stories tell the invention ...

We all know the brain receives information before information becomes a person's perception.

Education will most likely soon enter a milestone when new findings in neuroscience, psychology, and machine learning are working together to create a foundation for new learning.

Music is a social interaction between individuals - lullabies help to bond maternal love and singing or playing music increases the relationship of a group.

Scientists experimented on mice and found that brain enzymes caused pain after nerve damage.

The first graft surgery in the world, something that seems unreasonable, impractical, goes against science but is trusted by patients and doctors, affirming that they are doing

The La Recherche French memorial in the 40th anniversary of its founding (May 1970-5.2010) has reviewed many remarkable scientific advances over the past four decades.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience Achievements, older patients with heart failure have more memory problems.

According to Swedish and Finnish scientists, the elderly who lack vitamin B12 will increase their risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Small head syndrome, an congenital disorder that leads to abnormal small brain size, has been identified by the WDR62 gene defect.