New hope for osteoporosis patients

By Howard Hughes Medical University (UK) scientists have said: By changing the structure of a protein, they can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis - a disease that costs money on medicines about 1.7 billion pounds / year (in England alone).

Picture 1 of New hope for osteoporosis patients (Photo: In fact, throughout the life of vertebrates, bone cells are constantly being changed: Losing and being born. When the regeneration and loss of these two types of cells become unbalanced, it causes osteoporosis. Based on this working principle, scientists have sought to influence bone-producing cells to keep balance with a protein called NFATc1.

Experiments in mice showed that NFATc1 is capable of increasing the production capacity of the cell to 10%. According to Dr. Gerald Crabtree, this number is really meaningful if the results of this study are successfully applied in humans, because it helps make bones stronger than the use of drugs without causing any side effects. .