New test for solar powered aircraft

The prototype Solar Impulse (HB-SIA) has added some important details, helping it pass the test in late November. .

Picture 1 of New test for solar powered aircraft

11,000 Solar Impulse's solar-powered cells provide energy to help it take off, accelerate and accelerate. Next step is to achieve a speed of 35 km / h.

According to the Technology Review website, pioneer Solar Impulse was formerly astronaut Bertrand Piccard. He was the first person in the world to use air balloons around the world. The latest test to prepare for Solar Impulse flight 36 hours continuous. It is expected to be completed in 2012 to fly around the world.

There have been many solar-powered aircraft, but with slower speeds and shorter flight times, such as NASA's Solar Riser and Helios. In particular, the Sunseeker flew through the United States in 1990 when it combined solar power and paragliding.

Solar Impulse is manufactured by lightweight but durable materials, with a total weight of less than 1,600 kg and a wingspan of 64 meters.

Watch the video showing the latest experiments with Solar Impulse.