Pacific: islands are threatened by storms.

The island nations in the Pacific must strengthen measures to protect against the increase in strength and the frequent occurrence of swirling storms in the region, recommended by the World Bank (WB) on 2 -2

Picture 1 of Pacific: islands are threatened by storms.

Funafuti Atoll in South Pacific (Photo: TTO )

According to WB, right now, the Pacific islands should embark on limiting the impact of storms and other natural disasters (drought, tsunami). The World Bank also requires donor countries to require these islands to be more active in disaster prevention instead of waiting for outside help after a disaster.

Alf Simpson, a WB expert, said that island nations need to improve disaster management in their economic and investment programs so they can draw donations from organizations and communities. international co. The World Bank stressed that Pacific islands are the most vulnerable regions in the world.

Although the area is relatively less populated, natural disasters have directly affected the lives of more than 3.4 million people and killed more than 1,700 people since 1950. During the period 1980 - 1990, natural disasters were causing an estimated loss of $ 2.8 billion for islands in this region. With the climate of the Earth heating up, the Pacific region is likely to have more violent cyclone storms with a thicker frequency, more serious flooding. One of the natural disaster prevention measures proposed by the World Bank for Pacific Islands is to build infrastructures that are resistant to cyclone storms and protect coral reefs and forests so they can be kept Natural barrier role for these places.