Parents who do not eat enough fiber can inherit their digestive disease

Stanford University scientists (UK) have discovered that the lack of fiber in your diet in addition to causing the digestive system to have serious problems can also cause these symptoms to be inherited. To the next generation, that means if you don't eat enough fiber, the children will suffer unintended consequences. Even though this result only confirms that it occurs in mice, scientists have warned about the same thing that will happen to humans.

The lead researcher, Dr. Justin Sonnenburg, said he went to colleagues who performed tests on mice by removing fiber-containing ingredients in their daily diet and conducting continuous monitoring. Some time later, scientists discovered the diversity of the gut microbiota - which has an important role in supporting digestion and fighting certain diseases - declining to an alarming level. . Not only that, but observing this unusual diet for a long time has made the following generations of mice have similar signs, even in the 4th generation, these signs are almost cannot be reversed by adding fiber at meal. One way is to carry out the culture of the bacteria in the feces of healthy mice into their intestines.

Picture 1 of Parents who do not eat enough fiber can inherit their digestive disease Fiber is an important ingredient in a nutritious meal.

Dr. Sonnenburg also explained that fiber is an important ingredient in a nutritious meal , besides making people feel full, it also works against certain cancers. However, this is also the first time that a scientific study on the issue of fiber deficiency will result in bad consequences inherited from generation to generation.

He said the study was closely related to humans because his research team used beneficial bacteria inherent in the human digestive microbiota to transplant into the rat's digestive system. . In addition to mice that undergo fiber-free meals, the number of rats consuming sufficient fiber is healthy and these are inherited for their descendants.

Picture 2 of Parents who do not eat enough fiber can inherit their digestive disease
Current meals of many people lack fiber, leading to digestive diseases such as constipation, colon .

After conducting further research, the scientists found that mice that lacked fiber in addition to losing the microflora in the digestive tract were also gradually losing some enzymes to serve the digestive system. . If this happens to humans, then this is really a problem that is not very fun because enzymes play a role in speeding up the digestion process and knowing food into energy supply to the body. At present, there is not enough evidence to show that this problem will happen to humans, but scientists have begun to carry out further studies to learn more.

In addition, Dr. Erica Sonnenburg said the fact that many of the current meals lack a lot of fiber and this leads to extremely dangerous diseases such as constipation, colorectal cancer, She also clicked that if further research proves what happens to mice they can happen to people, many people will have to think again before they eat anything without fiber.